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Employment Information

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Source: seabet sports betting Click: Time: March 27, 2022 23:50

1. Beijing Zhixingzhe Technology Co., Ltd.

Beijing, Wuhan
[Job salary]
[Recruitment Position] R&D Center: Hardware Engineer、Embedded development engineer、Reliability Test Engineer、Simulation Engineer、Middleware Engineer、Underlying OS optimization engineer、SLAM Engineer Smart Transportation BU: Development Engineer、seabet app download Planning and Control Engineer、Software Engineer [Salary and Benefits] 15-50K/month*14;Doctoral salary negotiable; Five insurances and one housing fund, paid annual leave, holiday gift package, employee club, afternoon tea...
[Delivery method]
[Resume submission link] http://hbi3r2uc8ac86otx.mikecrm.com/MGRhlWL
[Lecture time]
2022-03-29 21:27:00
[Preaching Location]
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2. ByteDance’s 2022 Spring Recruitment “Urban Propaganda”


[Job salary]

[Delivery method]
Registration link: campus.liepin.com/bytedance WeChat public account Bytedance recruitment
[Lecture time]
2022-03-28 00:00:00
[Preaching Location]

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3. Huazi Software


[Job salary]
[Celebration]9-13W annual salary丨7.5-hour working system丨Weekends [Celebration]Afternoon Tea丨Tutorial System丨Newcomer Training丨Performance Bonus.seabet sports betting .. More salary and benefits,Waiting for you to discover~ —————— [Position (22、There are HCs in the 23rd session)】Java Development Engineer、Front-end Engineer Requirements Implementation Engineer、Network Engineer Software Solutions Engineer、Sales Manager Project Manager Management Trainee、Human Resources Specialist
[Delivery method]

[Lecture time]
2022-03-31 22:57:00
[Preaching Location]
Station B live broadcast seabet casino review room "Official Account of Huazi Software Recruitment"
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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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