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Employment Information

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Source: Click: Time: November 05, 2021 22:51

1、Henan Province will select outstanding fresh graduates from some universities at home and abroad in 2022

[Job salary]
Provincial, provincial and municipal agencies
[Delivery method]
All eligible fresh graduates from colleges and universities can log in to the Henan Province Selected Student Registration Website at 10:00 on November 5, 2021 (xds.haedu.gov.cn)、Henan Province Graduate Employment Information Network (hnbys.haedu.gov.cn)、Henan Personnel Examination Network (www.hnrsks.com) Enter the registration system,Follow seabet casino review seabet casino review the prompts to register,Truthfully、Accurate、Fill in relevant information item by item,Upload recent front-facing ID photo without hat (blue background,jpg format,When created using image software,The photo aspect ratio is approximately 1.3:1.6,size 260×320 pixels,50~100kb,The final effect is subject to the size after output),Waiting for preliminary review of registration qualifications。Except for Henan University, the registration deadline is 18:00 on November 21st,The registration deadline for other universities is 18:00 on November 23rd。
[Lecture time]
2021-11-23 18:00:00
[Preaching Location]

[Recruitment link]

2、Changchun City’s 2022 Major Recruitment Announcement for Central South University

Changchun City
[Job salary]
The selected position is for the Civil Service Law Agency of Changchun City and its jurisdiction (including civil servant law management agencies)
[Delivery method]
seabet casino review Students must truthfully seabet sports betting and accurately fill out the "2022 Changchun City Targeted Recruitment Major Selection Registration Form" (Attachment 2),Approved by the party organization of the school and department、After signing the recommendations and stamping the official seal of the Party Committee,Submit to the school’s Employment Guidance Center for review and official seal before 18:00 on November 12th (306, Yuxiu Building, New Campus,Triplicate,Double-sided printing,After stamping, the Employment Guidance Center will keep 1 copy,Candidates keep 1 copy,The other copy is provided by the Employment Guidance Center to the Changchun Municipal Party Committee Organization Department)。simultaneously,Students must submit the "2022 Changchun City Targeted Recruitment Major Selection Registration Form" (Attachment 2)、"Summary Table of Candidates for the 2022 Changchun City Targeted Recruitment seabet mobile of Professional Selection Students" (Attachment seabet casino review 3) electronic version sent to the email address jcrc@csu.edu.cn (email naming format: Changchun selected students-name)。
[Lecture time]
2021-11-12 18:00:00
[Preaching Location]

[Recruitment link]

3. Jiangsu Province Civil Servant Recruitment Announcement for the 2022 Annual Examination

Jiangsu Province
[Job salary]
Governments and units at all levels in the province
[Delivery method]
Provincial agency job registration website: Jiangsu Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security Portal Business Subnet - Jiangsu Personnel Examination Network (jshrss.jiangsu.gov.cn/col/col57253) The registration website for positions in each districted city: the portal website of the human resources and social security department of each districted city. The registration website for positions in vertical management agencies below the province: the human resources and social security department of the districted city where the institution is located Portal registration time: 9:00 on November seabet mobile 2, 2021 to 16:00 on November 8;
[Lecture time]
2021-11-08 16:00:00
[Preaching Location]

[Recruitment link]

seabet app download 4. Shenzhen Guangming District Talent Office

[Job salary]
Invite smart industry、Life science industry、New Material Industry,High-level talents with a doctorate or above in fields related to the specialty service industry
[Delivery method]
Registration link: https://ding.cjfx.cn/f/6wmx7upn Activity time: 2021/11/25 to 2021-11-27
[Lecture time]
2021-11-27 08:00:00
[Preaching Location]

[Recruitment link]

5. Xi’an Samsung Electronics Research Institute

[Job salary]
AI software development engineer (computer vision direction)
[Delivery method]
1.Search the official account "China Samsung Recruitment" on WeChat: (1) Click on "BIG Campus Recruitment" below (2) Click on "Star Campus Recruitment"; (3) Select "Research Institute"; (4) Click "Xi'an Samsung Electronics Research Institute" to obtain job details and submit your resume。 2.Submit directly to srcxianhr@samsung using "name + school + delivery position".com By submitting your resume, you agree to use the personal information contained in your resume for this recruitment,Only use personal information seabet casino review in recruitment for recruitment seabet online sports betting purposes,If you need to withdraw,Please contact 029-88741468
[Lecture time]
2021-11-06 09:00:00
[Preaching Location]

[Recruitment link]

6. Shenzhen Aozhe Network Technology Co., Ltd.

[Job salary]
Development Engineer Operation and Maintenance Engineer Product Assistant Interaction Designer R&D System Management Marketing Management Trainee Financial Management Trainee Human Resources Management Trainee
[Delivery method]
Email delivery: hrsr@authine.com Resume mailing link: https://external.h3yun.com/index.html?mt=Task&sc=D0000243b10a18810b347fcbbece51f9f808c55&IsExternalForm=1&EngineCode=an6t10i9ni7459vo&version=20210125120323
[Lecture time]
2021-11-06 09:00:00
[Preaching Location]

[Recruitment link]
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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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