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Employment Information

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Source: Click: Time: October 22, 2021 22:22

1, Libang

[Job salary]
seabet casino review seabet mobile R&D positions: 200,000-300,000,Non-R&D positions: 150,000-250,000,No cap on core talents
[Delivery method]
[Lecture time]
2021-10-25 16:30:00
[Preaching Location]
Room 202, South Building of Science and Education, School Headquarters
[Recruitment link]
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA5NDE3MDgzMw==&mid=2650797078&idx=2&sn=cadd94395c4ddebdcc40e31e07af7d30&seabet casino review amp;seabet casino review chksm=8859efa8bf2e66be533f4af14ace891d55e6286c1162dfa7efc7180acb1ca28cacc48ad835c8&mpshare=1&scene=23&srcid=1013cADwmVL9IfPc68VNc9mM&sharer_sharetime=1634529825325&sharer_shareid=70125a7f6a72cd421b0c354f5a0b7e64#rd

2. Ruijie Network


[Job salary]

[Delivery method]
WeChat public account: Ruijie Network Recruitment
[Lecture time]
2021-10-23 14:00:00
[Preaching Location]
401, North Building of Science and Education, Campus
[Recruitment link]

3. Shengke Communications

[Job salary]
Chip R&D Engineer (Suzhou/Nanjing)、Chip back-end engineer (Suzhou/Nanjing)、Electronic Engineer (Suzhou/Nanjing)seabet casino review 、seabet online sports betting seabet online sports betting Embedded Development Engineer (Suzhou)、Embedded Development Engineer (Suzhou)、Test Engineer (Suzhou)、Technical Support/Sales Engineer (Suzhou)
[Delivery method]
Contact information: (Interested students please send resume、Transcript、Apply for the position to the following email address) Email: jobs@centecnetworks.com Tel: 15895572073
[Lecture time]
2021-10-27 14:00:00
[Preaching Location]
Classroom 207, South Building of Science and Education
[Recruitment link]

4. Shenzhen Guangfeng Technology Co., Ltd.


[Job salary]
Recruitment positions cover R&D categories、Marketing、Functional and Supply seabet online sports betting seabet online sports betting seabet sports betting Chain Bachelor’s Degree: 21W and above;Master’s degree starts from 28W;Doctorate starts from 60W
[Delivery method]
Online application (computer version): Open the link to submit your resume http://campus.51job.com/2022appotronics Scan the QR code to submit your resume (the following is the link after scanning the QR code) http://xym.51job.com/wechat/vuectmjobs/#/index?id=28113611-4fb8-47a3-9d8b-4f1554c3f6be&color=7CF3D5
[Lecture time]
2021-10-23 16:30:00
[Preaching Location]
School Headquarters Science and Education South Building 306
[Recruitment link]
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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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