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Employment Information

seabet casino review

Source: Click: Time: December 31, 2020 17:03

seabet sports betting 2020 is coming to an end. Is the future determined?
The Xiao Shuangshi special seabet app download event is announced in the air, and the wind is waiting for you!
[Air announcement time] January 6 (Wednesday) 19:00-20:30
[School Recruitment Positions]
① Chinese/Mathematics/English teacher (dual-channel development, no limit to major)
② Management trainee (teaching + campus operation, no limit to major)
[Salary and Benefits] First-year guaranteed annual salary 6W-18W,Two salary increase opportunities per year
[Highlights of air promotion] Guest speeches by famous celebrities、Interact to win prizes (Bluetooth headphones/MAC lipstick/aromatherapy machine/CNKI duplicate check account, etc.)
【Advance online application】https://app.mokahr.com/m/campus_apply/xiaoshuangshi/7041?sourceToken=83e87d9f94b39586d0148a7675561733#/home
[Benefits of joining the group] QQ group 757831995,Join the group now and interactive gifts are waiting for you
[Recruitment Information] Please see the attachment for details.

2. Shenzhen Dianmao Technology Co., Ltd.
[Position Name]: Experience Course Lecturer (Working Location: Wuhan,Shenzhen,Changsha)
[Responsibility requirements]: 1、Online graphical/Python experience seabet online sports betting class teaching for teenagers,Be able to use easy-to-understand, friendly and interesting language to explain to students;
2、Be prepared for lessons、Lectures,Familiar Lessons、Lesson Record、After-class summarization and a series of teaching work to provide high teaching quality; (It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to program at all~ The company will provide full-process training after joining the company,As long as you are interested, you can submit it)。
[Qualifications]: Full-time unified recruitment, seabet casino review bachelor degree or above,Wuhan and Shenzhen are not limited to majors,Non-computer majors can also submit,No programming knowledge required,Changsha is limited to science and engineering majors。Because I need to teach,So I hope my classmates can speak Mandarin well。
[Working hours]: 13:30-21:30,Saturday weekend
Full-time: basic salary + meal subsidy + performance + commission,Wuhan Changsha 6~9k,Shenzhen 8~12k,Meal supplement、Holiday care、Regular team building activities、Systematic seabet mobile training、Provide opportunities to become a regular employee、Rapid growth and promotion opportunities。Internship period 5000--7000 yuan/month。
[Delivery link]:
Wuhan,Changsha: http://zhoujiawen-hrbp.mikecrm.com/JLGBuE2
Shenzhen: http://zhoujiawen-hrbp.mikecrm.com/O5pPMtV
Please deliver as soon as possible,Autumn recruitment is about to end,Schedule an interview within ten working days after submitting your resume,Students, please keep your phone open。

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Contact information: seabet mobile 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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