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Employment Information

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Source: Click: Time: December 10, 2020 17:57

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[School Recruitment Positions]
Position: V+ trainee (sales management direction)
Salary: monthly salary starting from 8k, comprehensive annual salary 11w-13w
[School Recruitment Arrangement]
Time: December 18 (Friday)
Location: seabet mobile Company School Recruitment Special - 50th Floor, T1 Building, IFS International Financial Center, Furong District
Resume delivery email: hr@hnvivo.cn

Click on the picture for details,Participate in special efficient interviews,High salary offer available on the same day!

2. Shenzhen Zhiyan Technology Co., Ltd.
[Recruitment Position] seabet casino review Android Engineer、iOS Engineer、JAVA Engineer、Front-end engineer
[Salary and Benefits] See the document for details
[Resume submission and contact information]
Email: campus@ihoment.com     Email title naming: school name+name+major+application position+whether to accept transfer。
Contact: Mr. Guo
Tel: 0755-26925837  13148848122

3. Blue Label Media
[Recruitment Position] System R&D Engineer (Marketing Cloud Direction)、AI Engineer (Marketing Cloud Direction)、Front-end development engineer (marketing cloud direction)、System R&D Engineer、(AI smart advertising&High concurrency system)、System R&D Engineer (AI Intelligent Advertising&Intelligent efficiency improvement)
[Company official website] https://bluemediagroup.cn/
[Resume submission] See picture
[Benefits and Company Profile] See the document for details

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of seabet sports betting Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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