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Student and Worker Notice

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Source: School of Computer Science Peer Psychological Mutual Aid Association Click: Time: April 1, 2021 20:07

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This is the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers,The season of singing and dancing,We have entered a new stage。Are you still looking to the future in confusion;Would you like to continue to drift with the crowd and waste your time?;Are you still so tired of the surroundings that you forget about yourself;Are you still unwilling to give yourself some confidence?Life is born to go through its own journey in the endless river of time,I shall be the guide of my voyage,I am the helmsman of my destiny,I am the master of my soul,I am uniquely me。I want to love myself bravely,Try to make your own choice、Polish yourself every minute、Smile for your own happiness...you are you,I am me,We need to love ourselves first,Then find your own footprints from this window of the soul,Look at them filling the colorful world。

2. Activity theme and activity name

Topic: I am me, I love me

Event Name: Mental Health Works Writing Competition

3. Organizer

seabet casino review Event organizer: Central South University College Student Mental Health Education Center

Central South University College Student Peer Psychological Mutual Aid Association

Event organizer: Peer Psychological Mutual Aid Association of School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central South University

Event co-organizer: School of Computer Science Peer Psychological Mutual Aid Association

Official website of the event: Central South University College Student Mental Health Education Center website

Official WeChat platform of the event: Zhongnan Xinyuan, Zhongnan Huayuxuan, Xinzhu biscuits

Activity officialQQ:School of Computer Science, Central South University

4. Participants

All undergraduate and graduate students at Central South University

五、Activity time

Deadline for receiving entries for the Academy Competition:2021year4month9

House competition review time:2021year4month10Sunday2021year4month12

Results announced for the college competition:2021year4month13

School competition preliminary review time:2021year4month17Sunday2021year4month24

School competition public voting:2021year4month27Sunday2021year4month30

School competition on-site score:2021year5month15

Announcement of final results:2021year5month15

6. Registration method

After receiving the relevant notification,Forward notifications to each class in a timely manner,Describe the theme content and requirements of the activity,Students voluntarily sign up to participate,A summary of the entries selected by each class and the original electronic version of the entries are available at4month10Sent to the designated email address a few days ago.

The psychology committee members of each class shall submit their works in the form of compressed packages。The compressed package should include:

Statistical summary table of entries. (naming method:xxSummary table of class essay works)(See attachment for form template)

The original electronic version of the entry. (Naming method: "Class+No.+Name+Student ID

Compressed package unified in4month912:00Min agoSend to email2936582140@qq.com. The compressed package naming format is“xxSummary of class essay writing works”,Subfile namingxxStatistical form of class essay entries/Electronic version of the work

7. Work requirements

1. The works should closely follow the theme of the event "I am me,I love me”,Taking self as the subject,With one’s own emotions、Study、Life is the background of creation,Based on expressing one’s true thoughts and emotions。

There is no limit to the style of this essay call,Modern style (narrative、Explanatory text、Argumentative essay) The recommended word count is1000Words and above; modern poetry20row conversion1000words,It is recommended to have at least two ancient poems,The other ancient literary genres are recommended to be no less than300Words.

2. To make it easier to organize later works,The essay submission must have a title and only the electronic version is accepted。Specially,Authors must submit an excerpt of an article of their choice when submitting their work,The number of words is limited to150within words for later publicity and cataloging work.

3. Specific requirements for electronic document format:

seabet mobile Title No. 3 boldface centered


Single spaced

Indicate your college in the lower right corner at the end of the article、Class、Name and contact information

Excerpts from the article are attached to the last page of the article

4.The college competition will collect outstanding works and select them to participate in the school competition.

8. Precautions

1. If the participating works involve copyright and other issues,At the sole responsibility of the author,The organizer is not responsible。

2. Once the entries are accepted,will not be refunded,The organizer has the right to use it free of charge,The creator reserves the right of authorship。All entries must be original,If plagiarism is found,Disqualified。If the participating works involve copyright and other issues,At the sole responsibility of the author,The organizer is not responsible。

9. Work Selection

(1) Academy Competition Selection

Jointly scored by each class committee member and counselor,The entries will be divided into grades and classes4Group,The corresponding counselors and counselors will conduct cross-grading in groups,Final average score,Determine the final score of each entry。Ranking by score,Finally choose the best10Works will be selected to participate in the school competition, and certificates and prizes will be awarded.

Note: If there are multiple works with the same score in the final quota,are selected together。

(2) Duplicate Check

The organizer will check the works for plagiarism after the preliminary screening of each secondary college,If the author’s article duplication check rate exceeds30%, the author will be disqualified from the competition.

(3) Preliminary Review by the Presidency

The president of the peer psychological mutual aid association of each secondary college is responsible for the preliminary scoring,Entries will be divided by college4Group,Cross-scoring by the corresponding presidents,Final average score,Determine the final score of each entry。Ranking by score,Finally fromPreferred20works were shortlisted as finalists.If there are multiple works with the same result in the final quota,are selected together。


(4) Final WeChat public voting


Platform: "Zhongnan Xinyuan" WeChat public account platform

1. WeChat public account publishes excerpts from articles about the final works,And post a vote;

2. WeChat voting score: total share of WeChat voting sessions30Points, scored according to the number of votes obtained, each vote counts0.05Points, highest30Points, that is, if the number of votes exceeds 600, points will no longer be accumulated.

(5) On-site scoring by the judging panel


Location: Chemical Building133Lecture Hall

1. The judging panel consists of teachers from the University Student Mental Health Education Center、Some psychology teachers and Wenxinyuan teachers serve as professional reviewers;

2. Before the official start of the conference,Notify finalists to prepare3On-site statement within minutes,The statement content is the background of the article creation、Creative experience and other contents。Such as time conflict,The time to prepare the statement is less than3minutes seabet online sports betting of text, the staff will give on-site statements;

3. Presented by the author in order,After the presentation is completed, the judging panel will evaluate it;

4. This item accounts for of the total score70%, take the average score given by all judges;

5. Sort by final score in descending order,Get one special prize in order、Two first prizes、Three second prizes、Four third prizes;

6. If the results rank first10Works with the same score,Please ask the on-site judges to re-score the works with the same score,Excellently selected award list。

10. Activity Award Settings

House Competition Awards

 First prize (two people): table lamp

Second Prize (three places): Bookmark

Third Prize (five): pen

School Competition Awards

Special Prize (one person): Certificate of Honor and Bonus1000yuan

First prize (two persons): certificate of honor and bonus800yuan

Second Prize (three people): Certificate of Honor and Bonus600yuan

Third Prize (Four): Certificate of Honor and Bonus300yuan

Winner Prize (Ten Places): Souvenir

Contact person for the competition:

Contact: Duan Siyu QQ982457866 Tel:17612241257

Peer Psychological Mutual Aid Association of School of Computer Science, Central South University


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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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