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Source: Information Publicity Center Click: Time: September 14, 2020 13:11

“Life is like a train,seabet online sports betting seabet online sports betting There is always someone getting on the bus,Someone will also get off the bus。”2020,Love you love you,I started a journey in Central South,Meet more than 15,000 new classmates here,We will meet each other and know each other well in the future...Wei Rui Vine and Sparkling Lake,Xuxu Qingfeng,The encounter with Zhongnan is so unforgettable;With the flag flying,Strong steps,The curtain of the first lesson of the university begins。


Military training is to train our freshmen seabet online sports betting based on the requirements seabet casino review of soldiers,This is destined to be no ordinary journey。Every student will feel hard during the training process:"Are arms,Sore legs,Everywhere is sour?”But my heart is also sour,Let the sweat wreak havoc,Which muscle aches,Always stick to the end,Demand yourself with an unyielding style,See this scene,I have tears in my eyes。


The body is your own,Under military training,Some students may have to take a break due to seabet sports betting physical discomfort。Remember seabet casino review to stand in military posture,Some students almost faint from hypoglycemia I only saw a figure flashing quickly in front of my eyes, I came to my senses,I realized that it was Instructor Huang who quickly caught the classmate,I almost fell down。I only heard about dedication,Now I have witnessed the best interpretation of dedication。


“The edge of a sword is sharpened,The fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold。”Military training is like seabet online sports betting a whetstone,Try to make every student a better seabet app download version of themselves。I don’t know where I am in the morning、I’m so hungry and dizzy at noon、Sleep on the bed at night,This scene is a testimony of hard work、But no one will admit defeat,We will succeed!


Spicy is the main theme of Hunan,The happy moments in military training are the beautiful embellishments in the hardships,Also a blender for boiled water。Had to fight for the instructorcall,A serious appearance hides seabet sports betting a lovely heart。“Excuse me, what is a meatball seabet sports betting head??”This position surprised and pleasantly surprised me;“Don’t let your hands fly when you turn around!”The humorous tone adds a lot of fun to our military training life;“5,4,3,2,1!"Is it the prank that makes all my tiredness disappear?!

 Military training is a time of sweat,But at the same time, it is also a ladder to improve our spiritual character and exercise our willpower,Each of us should cherish it,Respect it,Follow it seabet sports betting as our sacred mission,And let it be sublimated in future university life!


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