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Student and Worker News

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Source: Information Publicity Center Click: Time: September 06, 2019 19:42

Her,Smiling during training,Approachable in leisure time。She is Yan Qian,Platoon leader of the second platoon of the 11th company,Our instructor。As the name suggests,Yan,It is similar to what is said in "Poetry·Xiaoya": "Strictness and wings"seabet sports betting ,Gongwu uniform" shows that the instructor takes training seriously and dignifiedly;Qian,There is a saying in "The Book of Songs·Wei Feng" that "Qiaoxiaoqianxi",Beautiful eyes are looking forward to you." In ancient times, beauty was used to describe beauty,And our instructors are all-powerful,There is also the arrogance of women and men。

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Look at her on the training seabet app download ground,Every word is a loud slogan,Every frown and every frown is a sign of concern and encouragement for the students。Everyone knows that anger is harmful to the body,But she still got angry because she didn’t move properly,We understand,That’s because you hate iron but cannot make steel,The instructor worked hard on his conscience,seabet sports betting How can we live up to it,The only reward is hard work and strict training。

She even organized games carefully during breaks,Create a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere,Let students get to know each other,Everywhere reflects her serious attitude towards everything,She brings us more than just queue actions,Rules and Essentials,seabet online sports betting Also have a serious attitude in dealing with things,Absolute compliance with the rules,Team awareness and many other priceless assets,Question,How could such an instructor not be the most amiable and respectable instructor?

(Author: Luan Shihao)

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