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Student and Worker News

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During military training,Who is the cutest person on campus?The answer is obvious,These are the instructors who work hard every day to train the "little frogs"。I always think there is a detail that is very heartwarming,The instructors will ask us to stand with our backs to the sun during every training,But at this time they are actually facing seabet online sports betting the sun。It is enough to see their thoughtfulness and the thought they spend on us "little frogs"。

I am from the 1st Platoon of the 11th Company of the 3rd Battalion,There were three instructors who took us before and after,The following is introduced in chronological order:

The first person we contacted was instructor Bai Xueyan,He led us through the first day of military training,Enlightened our military training,Laid seabet online sports betting a good foundation for the future military training process。

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Instructor Peng Zelong who led our training the next day,A particularly handsome instructor,I heard that he is a "post-00s generation",This makes me deeply admired。Instructor Peng is a very gentle instructor,Be tolerant and generous to us freshmen;Secondly, he is also a very responsible instructor,Every training movement,seabet mobile He will demonstrate it several times himself,So that we can better understand。Meeting such an excellent instructor,It adds more motivation to our military training。

The third day is today,We are led by instructor Ma Jingyuan,A particularly humorous instructor,Exceptionally cute,Under his leadership,We further realized the little fun hidden in the hard training of military seabet casino review training,For example, the poem reciting during "fixing posture" that I experienced today,Greatly dissipates the fatigue caused by "fixing posture"。

Such a group of instructors,How could we not love it?I believe that under the leadership of these excellent instructors,We will definitely gain a lot from military training。

(Author: Chang Xuan)

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