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Source: Click: Time: November 05, 2019 17:57

Notification linkhttp://gra.csu.edu.cn/wjtzxq104649_2_2.html

Among them,Graduate students involved in the clearance of student status in our school (see the attachment for the list):

1.Graduate students on the list,Please send an email to xxydsh@126 before November 18th.com to confirm。seabet mobile (The email title is "Student ID_Name_Student Status Clearance Notice Received")

2.Graduate students on the list,Those who need to continue their studies,Must submit the "Application Form for Graduation Extension for Graduate Students with the Longest Study Period at Central South University" and other materials (See the Graduate School Notice for details;seabet sports betting Please submit the corresponding paper materials to the Graduate Office, 311-2, Computer Building, from 9:00-11:00 on November 18th)。

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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