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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: September 19, 2019 15:22

The School of Computer Science at Central South University plans to hold the 2019 Graduate Academic Annual Conference in early to mid-November 2019。In order to host this annual meeting,PromotePhD candidate、seabet casino review Academic Master、Professional master’s degree and international studentsAcademic exchanges between 13926_13947,Issuing this call for papers,We hope that all departments will organize relevant graduate students to actively submit papers。We are now notifying you of the following matters regarding the call for papers:

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This call for papers covers 2 first-level disciplines (Computer Science and Technology、Information and Communication Engineering) major and three corresponding professional degrees (Computer Technology、Software Engineering、Electronics and Communication Engineering)、And related research in some related fields。Please organize the article from the following aspects,Please indicate the field of your paper in your submission:1、Overview and Comments 2、Research and Analysis 3、Design and Implementation 4、Development and Application

二、Article requirements (submissions that do not meet the requirements will be returned,Not included)

1、Submit the full manuscript of the paper (required to include Chinese title (Bold type number 3 in bold)、English questions (Times New Roman No. 3 blackened)、Author’s name (the paper should have a graduate student as the first author、宋体小四号)、Instructor’s name (No. 4 in Song font)、Name Chinese Pinyin (Times New Roman small 4th size)、Chinese keywords (Song font size 4)、English keywords (Times New Roman small size 4) and remarks (be sure to indicate the postgraduate category in the remarksPh.D. candidates, academic masters, professional masters, international students)、Grade、Instructor’s name and department (center) name,And my contact information (landline、Mobile phone))。

2、All papers are required to use WORD 2003 or above version Song font size 4 for editing and typesetting,And use A4 paper to print the paper sample。

3、The papers will be collected into the "Proceedings of the 2019 School of Computer Science Graduate Academic Conference"。

3. Please email the electronic file of the full text of the paper

1、The email subject is "Annual Conference Submission: Student ID_Name_Tutor_Professional",The attachment is "student number_name_instructor_major.doc” naming

2、When sending an email to a graduate student, be sure to ask the other seabet online sports betting party to reply and confirm,To indicate completion of submission。(Every graduate student must participate while studying)

3, manuscript receipt email (according to the supervisor’s department/center):




Department of Computer Science

Wang Bin


Software Engineering Department

Liao Zhifang  


Department of Data Science and Engineering

Liu Weirong


Department of Communication Engineering

Lei Wentai


Cyberspace Security Department

Zhang Shigeng


Basic Computer Teaching Center

Liu Weiguo


Teaching Experiment Center

Sheng Yu



4、Deadline for paper submission: October 20, 2019


School of Computer Science, Central South University

2019September 19th


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Contact information: seabet app download 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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