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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: March 05, 2019 10:34

Related graduate students:

To encourage scientific research and innovation among graduate students in our school,Improving the scientific research and innovation capabilities of our graduate students,Improving the quality of graduate student training,The school launched an seabet mobile independent exploration and innovation project for graduate students,Now conducting project completion acceptance for graduate student innovation,The specific requirements are as follows:

1. Inspection objects

Project approval in previous years、Innovative projects that have not yet been completed can apply for completion acceptance。

2. Final acceptance requirements

(1) In principle, projects applying for funding must be in research for more than one year before they can apply for completion。

(2) The research or practical results obtained by the project must be marked with "funded by the fund and grant number"。At the time of final acceptance,The sponsored graduate student should regard himself as the first completer,Central South University is the first signing unit seabet casino review and has achieved corresponding results,The specific completion requirements should meet the completion requirements of the corresponding project。

(3) Projects that have been funded are not allowed to change topics at will.

(4) Graduate students supported by funds,You must pass the thesis acceptance before you can apply for a thesis to be submitted for review and defense。

3. Steps for final acceptance

(1) Final Materials。Fill out attachment 1 in the final report according to project type、2Form,Submit 3 copies for provincial projects,Submit 1 copy of school-level project。Electronic version of the report (the file (folder) name is "Project number - Project type - Name of person in charge - Final report"),And fill in the project completion seabet app download and acceptance summary form (Attachment 3)。

(2) Preliminary review of project completion and acceptance by the college,Graduate students who need to complete the thesis please submit relevant materials and preliminary review status (Attachment 3) of the preliminary qualified projects to Room 311-2, Computer Building, Graduate Office, School of Computer Science, before March 10th,Submit electronic version at the same time。

(3) Projects in 2016 and beyond must fill out the "Central South University Scientific Research Innovation Project Final Report" in the graduate education management system,Graduate students must submit the submission before March 9 and remind the supervisor of the college for review,System review process (instructor review、Assistant seabet mobile review、College leadership review、School review),Submit both paper and electronic versions;Projects before 2016 must be submitted in paper and electronic versions。(Note: If the system cannot fill in the items temporarily, please submit paper version of the final materials first)

Contact: Teacher Yi Tel: 0731-88879609 Email:471489409@qq.com

Attachment 1: Hunan Province Graduate Innovation Project Final Report.doc

Attachment 2: Central South University Graduate Innovation Project Final Report.doc

Attachment 3: College summary table on completion and acceptance of postgraduate innovation projects.xls

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Contact information: seabet app download 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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