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Military training in progress: "seabet crypto casino first experience of military training"

Source: Click: seabet crypto casino: October 17, 2024 20:15

The steps are like drums, and the sound shakes the world.

Sweat like rain and walk with clang.

The fist is born with wind, and the body is like an eagle.

Line up for cleaning, and give orders like the wind.

Ten days of seabet crypto casino training have passed in the blink of an eye

Let’s take a look at the experiences and insights of computer ERs!

"seabet crypto casino"

"Although the life of seabet crypto casino training has just begun,It is already full of challenges and growth。The strict discipline is like the backbone of Yuelu Mountain,Provides the framework for the entire seabet crypto casino training。The whistle of assembly is a seabet crypto casino order,Short and powerful,Every time the whistle blows,We all need to get there quickly,Like leaves following the instructions of the wind。Under the constraints of this discipline,We are gradually changing from free and undisciplined students,Transformation into a disciplined warrior。”

——Twelve companies seabet crypto casino Cai Yingsi

While standing in seabet crypto casino posture,We hold our heads high,Like a tall and straight green pine,Showing perseverance。Stand at attention every time,We are not slacking off,Focus on the platoon leader’s command,Like a well-trained army。Platoon leader training one column at a time,I have realized the seabet crypto casino’s strict compliance with discipline and high standards for themselves。

——Twelve companies seabet crypto casino Wu Zonghan

"seabet crypto casino training,I also deeply understand the importance of discipline。Every command,Both need to be executed quickly and accurately;Every action,All need to reach unified standards。This makes me understand,Whether in the army or studying、At work,Strict discipline is the cornerstone of success。”

——Second Platoon of the seabet crypto casino Wang Yufan

"First time entering the seabet crypto casino training ground,The loose sense of discipline makes me a little overwhelmed。The freedom and spontaneity of the past are gone at this moment,Strict seabet crypto casino regulations and precepts have become the guidelines for every training。From the initial casualness,Prohibited by subsequent orders,This transformation is like a profound inner revolution。I gradually understand,Discipline is not a bondage,But a guarantee,It’s teamwork、The cornerstone of achieving goals。”

——seabet crypto casino Second Platoon Yao Haoyu

“seabet crypto casino training taught us discipline and rules,Learned how to persevere in the face of difficulties。seabet crypto casino training made me deeply aware of the importance of health。High-intensity training every day is hard work,But it made me understand,Only with a healthy body,In order to better face the challenges of life。”

——seabet crypto casino, Third Platoon Liu Yunxiang

“Military training also taught me self-discipline。Get up early every day,Gather on time,Strictly observe discipline,These habits developed in military training,I believe it will play an important role in seabet crypto casino future study and life。Although the days of military training have just begun,But I have felt seabet crypto casino own growth and changes。”

——Eleventh row of three Dong Nuan

“Standing in seabet crypto casino posture is the beginning of every day’s training,Feet 60 degrees apart,Put your hands close to the seams of your pants,Raise your head and chest out,Look ahead。A seemingly simple action,Hold on for a few minutes,Your feet will start to feel sore。However,The instructor’s stern eyes are patrolling,No one dares to move easily。That moment,I deeply understand the strictness of discipline and the difficulty of persistence。”

——Eleventh row, three rows, You Shuhuan


"Starting from early morning,The long seabet crypto casino training period has begun。Long hours of training really make people feel exhausted,Standing in seabet crypto casino posture、Goosestep,Repeating the action over and over again,It seems like time has been stretched infinitely。But the students did not complain at all,Everyone has a tall and straight figure,Steady eyes。Everyone understands,This is a journey that sharpens your will。”

——Twelve companies seabet crypto casino Dan Zijie

"The first day of military training,I challenged seabet crypto casino limits。During high-intensity training,I keep telling myself to persist,Can’t give up。Whenever I feel tired and want to give up,I always look at the classmates around me,They are also working hard,This gives me the motivation to persist。Military training made me realize,As long as you have enough determination and perseverance,Nothing is impossible。This day’s experience,It strengthened seabet crypto casino determination to face future challenges。”

——Twelve companies seabet crypto casino Li Xinyi

“The days of seabet crypto casino training,It is a time when pain and happiness are intertwined。The hard thing is the extreme physical challenge,The joy is to constantly surpass yourself in challenges。Whenever we complete a training task,The instructor’s satisfied smile and the cheers of the students,It all makes me feel extremely proud and satisfied。seabet crypto casino training,I learned about persistence and teamwork,It also made me realize the power of collective。”

——Twelve companies seabet crypto casino Tu Qianwei

“seabet crypto casino training is not only physical exercise,It is a test of will。Maintaining seabet crypto casino posture,Students learned to persevere;In exhaustion,Students learned how to be patient。seabet crypto casino training life is difficult,But also full of warmth and touching。Students help each other、Encourage each other,We overcame one difficulty after another together。The instructors’ strict requirements and careful care,It also made the students feel the style and charm of soldiers。”

——Eleventh Company seabet crypto casino Cai Yuhao

“Standing in military posture is probably the training I am least used to,seabet crypto casino body always feels sore every time after standing,But I also know deeply that pain is proof of growth。Only by overcoming difficulties,endure the pain,Only then can one break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly。”

——Eleventh Company, seabet crypto casino Row, Zhu Yiming

"The sun shines on the playground through the blue sky,The first day of seabet crypto casino training,We are wearing neat camouflage uniforms,Stand in line。The instructor’s voice is like thunder,Stern and clear: ‘Stand at attention!Align to the right!Look ahead!’Although I am a little nervous,But everyone worked hard to stand in a good seabet crypto casino posture。The hot weather and continuous seabet crypto casino posture make us feel exhausted,Clothes soaked with sweat。But it is in this kind of training,I gradually realized the meaning of persistence。”

——seabet crypto casino Second Platoon Liu Kailing


“seabet crypto casino training is not only a physical test,It is a baptism of the soul。While sweating,I also learned perseverance、Obedience and self-discipline。Stand up again after every fall,Continuing to persevere despite every fatigue,These experiences have made me feel,As a student of Central South University,We should shoulder the responsibilities entrusted to us by the times,Maintain a positive mental state,Meet the challenges of the future。”

——Twelve Companies seabet crypto casino Wang Runlin

"During this short military training period,We need to get to know each other with classmates we are not familiar with before,And help each other,United as one,We need to break away from our lazy summer life,Participate in rigorous training,Accept the baptism of sunshine,Facing various tests。Under military training,Very bitter and tired,But this is a life experience。I have unspeakable ups and downs in seabet crypto casino heart。Exposure to the scorching sun,Isn’t it a joy,The courage to better move towards your life goals。”

——seabet crypto casino, Second Platoon Wang Yaohui

“Practice again and again,Correction over and over again,Convergence by the sound of feet,The young man is high-spirited。When ‘youth’ meets ‘camouflage’,What you develop is a firm will,It is a clearer belief and pride in the motherland,It allows us to understand what responsibility is,What is responsibility。Born under the red flag,The blood of soldiers goes deep into the bone marrow。Young people should inherit the glory of their ancestors,No matter how long or difficult the road is,seabet crypto casino heart is sonorous。”

——Eleventh row, three rows Luo Shiqi

“seabet crypto casino training is like a baptism,Gone young,Building strength。"Xiongguan Road is as true as iron,Now we are moving forward from the beginning”,Today’s training in the seabet crypto casino training ground,will surely turn into strength for the future journey。The ambition of building an army in our hearts,It’s like a prairie fire,To be seen in the future,We will write with passion,Sweat is ink,Draw a brilliant chapter on the picture of national defense construction。We will be like unsheathed swords,Show sharp;Like an eagle with spread wings,Fighting in the Sky,With perseverance given by seabet crypto casino training,Create an eternal steel soul。”

——Eleventh row, three rows, Li Meixuan

“seabet crypto casino training is tough,But with optimism。The sun is like fire,We are not afraid,Smile with perseverance

Challenge;sweating,We persevere,Meet difficulties with courage and courage;Exhausted,us

Perseverance,Transcend yourself with optimism and open-mindedness。Central South seabet crypto casino laugh at the various aspects of life,Positively meet challenges

Fight! ”

——Twelveth Company, Second Platoon Kong Lingchen


"In seabet crypto casino training,I made many new friends。Let’s endure the pain in the soles of our feet together,Laughing and laughing together during the break。We encourage each other,Support each other,Spent an unforgettable first day together。seabet crypto casino training also made me feel the profound heritage and humanistic care of Central South University。Teachers’ concern,The enthusiastic help from senior students,It all made me feel the warmth of home in this strange seabet crypto casino training environment。I believe,In the fertile soil of Central South University,I will thrive,Bloom your own brilliance。”

——Twelve companies seabet crypto casino Zhang Jintao

"Over time,The end is finally here。Although I am exhausted,But there is a sense of pride in seabet crypto casino heart。First day of training,Let us not only get exercise physically,It has become a powerful spiritual force。The cold weather failed to dampen our fighting spirit,On the contrary, it inspires us to move towards the next challenge more firmly。”

——Twelve companies seabet crypto casino Cong Feifan

"Thinking about training every day including queues、March、seabet crypto casino posture and other subjects,I feel exhausted,But under the strict requirements of the instructors and the mutual encouragement of the students,I believe I will gradually adapt to this high-intensity life,And during the subsequent seabet crypto casino training,Learned basic seabet crypto casino skills,Understand the importance of teamwork,After all, whether every action of your own is standard or not,All related to the performance of the entire class。”

——Eleventh Company, seabet crypto casino Row, Zhu Jiankai

“The day’s training finally comes to an end,Although physically exhausted,But seabet crypto casino heart is filled with unprecedented satisfaction and pride。Because on this day,I not only learned how to overcome difficulties,I learned more about how to find seabet crypto casino place in the team,How to work together with others。”

——Eleventh Company, seabet crypto casino Row Li Bingqing

“It’s autumn,Welcoming military training,The instructor who looks gentle yet serious,We are serious,Controversial standards,We fight,For excellence!We are passionate,We are boiling,We fight hard,For the ideal in seabet crypto casino heart,Also for group goals!Military training is hard,There are also gains,I believe in this sunny eighteen years old,In this dazzling eighteen years old,We will surely gain infinite glory!”

——Eleventh Company seabet crypto casino Yang Zixiang

“seabet crypto casino training is not only physical exercise,It is a baptism for the soul。In these short few days,I deeply understand the power of unity。Stand at attention every time,Walking in unison every time,All require the tacit understanding and cooperation of each of us。When the team is marching,I feel an unprecedented sense of collective honor,I have become an indispensable member of this big family。”

——Twelve Company seabet crypto casino Cheng Shixun

"Just started training,Everyone seems a little unfamiliar,The movements are not neat enough,Some students even feel frustrated because of lack of physical strength。However,With the deepening of training,We gradually adapted to the rhythm,The tacit understanding between each other is also constantly increasing。Whenever we work together to complete an action,seabet crypto casino heart is filled with a sense of accomplishment。”

——Eleventh Company seabet crypto casino Nie Weicheng

"In the process of training,I am no longer an isolated individual,But a member of the team。Walking in unison every time,Every turn,It’s all the result of our mutual cooperation。Instructor’s strict requirements,Made me realize the importance of details: even a small movement is not standard,It will also affect the overall coordination。Although the sky is gray,But a sense of responsibility gradually developed in seabet crypto casino heart,For the collective honor,Must be more focused、Work harder。”

——Eleventh Company, seabet crypto casino Row Xiao Yazhe

"In seabet crypto casino training,We learned to work together,Learned to support each other。When someone falls,We will not hesitate to lend a helping hand;When someone is tired,We will use singing to boost morale。This kind of green camp sentiment,It is the deep love for comrades,It is the love for the collective。”

——seabet crypto casino Second Platoon Huang Zhuoye

“Military training,Having fun despite being tired。The students’ talent show opened seabet crypto casino eyes: singing、rap、Play guitar、Hip-hop、Calligraphy, etc.,Enriching the rest time during military training。At the same time,The singing during military training brought us joy,Learn to sing one red song after another,Competitions in singing songs again and again,Enhanced our team cohesion。”

——seabet crypto casino Second Platoon Wu Duoyu

“After seabet crypto casino,Singing and laughter intertwined。Some students showed off their singing skills,Sing the melody of youth;Some students showed off their dancing skills,Swinging with a youthful attitude。The seeds of friendship are quietly planted in this land,The power of unity gathers in the heart。”

——seabet crypto casino Three Rows Zhang Sizhe

“seabet crypto casino training is not just a personal matter,According to the words of the platoon leader,Sixty people should become one person。Move forward together,This may be difficult,But under the careful teaching and repeated training of the platoon leader,Students gradually integrate into the group,The pace has become even,Momentum increased,We feel strength in unity,Making progress together in collaboration。”

——Eleventh row, three rows, Chen Yiyan

Source of picture and text: 2024 freshmen in seabet crypto casino training of School of Computer Science

First instance: Zhao He

Second trial: Shi Leihong

Third trial: Wang Xinhui

Address: Information Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province Contact: 0731-88836659

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