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Study and Engineering News

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Source: Click: Time: April 24, 2024 13:20

In order to give full play to the main role of students,Helping students from families with financial seabet app download difficulties master employment knowledge,Improve employment competitiveness,On April 21, 2024, the student assistant team of the School of Computer Science conducted the third academic tutoring class in 114, Information Building, New Campus。

Wu Jiazhen, a grade 20 outstanding senior from the School of Computer Science, shared his employment experience,He is from the employment direction,Shared relevant experience with students in terms of employment selection and resume optimization。

First,Wu Jiazhen briefly described the significance and purpose of this sharing session,Through my own experience and insights,seabet mobile Provide students with a clear path to employment。He emphasized that theoretical knowledge should be studied seriously during school,Encourage everyone to actively participate in various competitions、Practical activities,Improve your professional skills。

Secondly,Wu Jiazhen also emphasized the choice of employment direction,First, be sure that what suits you is the best,Don’t just cater to the public;The second is to broaden your horizons,Don’t just focus on professional counterparts。Also,It is recommended that students develop the habit of studying algorithms,Remind students that they need continuous seabet sports betting learning for career development,Enrich yourself,Be brave enough to face challenges。

An excellent resume is a stepping stone to a job,Wu Jiazhen analyzed resume,Explain the characteristics of the resume from the interviewer’s perspective around the writing points,Help students highlight their highlights in concise language,Won an offer。

Last,Wu Jiazhen encourages students to cherish their time on campus,Strive to improve yourself,Work hard to achieve a better future,Continuously improve your business capabilities,Determine future direction,And fight for it。To this point,"Count steps to seabet app download get there,The third phase of the "Study Together and Endeavor" academic tutoring course ended successfully。

Passed this course,Students have a clearer understanding of employment planning and future development paths。"Count steps to follow,Study together and strive forward" academic tutoring classes are currently held for three periods,We will continue to invite outstanding mentors to share their insights,Let more students in need be able to better cope with academic pressure,Broaden knowledge,Enhance professional capabilities,To achieve comprehensive development。

Written by: Yuan Chunxiang

Photography: Liu Xinghao

seabet casino review First trial: Liu Shuoshuo

Second trial: Shi Leihong

Third trial: Wang Xinhui

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