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Study and Engineering News

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March 30, 7 pm,The "Study Together·One-to-One Piloting Plan" mobilization meeting was held in Room 114 of the Information Building of the new campus,seabet online sports betting Instructor Song Xiaomeng、The navigator and school uniform staff attended this meeting。This conference aims to explain the arrangement of the "Learning Together" activities,Inspire navigators’ enthusiasm for participation,Complete the matching of Navigator and Dream Chaser at the same time。

Beginning of meeting,seabet online sports betting Instructor Song Xiaomeng expressed a warm welcome to the navigators who signed up for this event。Teacher Song expressed high praise for the navigator’s enthusiasm in assisting students,I hope everyone can practice it diligently,Insist on actively participating in the work of assisting students。

School uniform chairman Yan Hao gave a detailed introduction to the arrangements for this event。He mentioned,I hope the navigators can actively communicate、In-depth discussion,Strive to achieve the goal of "learning from each other",Promote each other’s seabet sports betting academic progress and gain precious friendships through activities。

During the matching session between Dream Chaser and Navigator,The navigator started a lively discussion,Fully analyze your own advantages,Accurately match the right dream chaser,Lay the foundation for subsequent targeted academic guidance activities。

Last,Teacher Song Xiaomeng summarized this seminar。She fully affirmed the dedication and serious and responsible attitude of the navigators,I hope all students participating in the event can have a fulfilling 30 days,Improve seabet mobile yourself while helping others。Also,Teacher Song reminds students to keep records of activities。

The School of Computer Science’s “Study Together·One-on-One Pilot Program” mobilization meeting ended successfully with warm applause from everyone。I believe that with the joint efforts of everyone,The series of activities of the Pilot Plan can be carried out smoothly,And achieve good results,Contribute to creating a good teaching atmosphere in the college。

Reporter Photography: Shi Huiyuan

First trial: Song Xiaomeng

Second trial: Shi Leihong

seabet casino review Third trial: Wang Xinhui

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