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Source: Click: Time: April 1, 2024 14:51

The School of Computer Science’s special morning reading activities are being carried out in an orderly manner,To mobilize students’ enthusiasm for learning,Promote good class style and study style,Morning of March 31, 2024,Students from the Software Engineering Class 2304 came to the Wenqu Corridor in groups,Carry out a vigorous English word Solitaire competition。

seabet app download A year’s plan starts with spring,A day’s plan begins in the morning,When the warm sun shines into the dormitory,Students no longer sleep secretly,Get up early,Enjoy the unique breath of spring,Come to the Wenqu Corridor,Near Yudai Lake。The rules of the Solitaire competition are that the last letter of the word spoken by the previous student is used as the first letter of his own word,And the word must have at least 4 letters。Game starts,The two groups of players are unwilling to fall seabet sports betting behind,Wracking one’s brains in front of the words written by the previous classmate,The players are full of fighting spirit,Also friendly reminder to opponents。Other students may be watching the game,Or read,Tanchun,Exchange and learning。In the gentle breeze of the morning,In the cheers of classmates,Finally one student stood out,Winning the championship of this competition。

This English word solitaire competition has come to an end,But the good class style and study style of Software Engineering seabet sports betting Class 2304 is still moving forward。Passed this competition,Students once again realized the importance of English,Fully enjoy the fun of learning English,This competition allows students to learn in "Happy" Middle School,Practice in "Happiness",Change hard study into joyful study,Truly "enjoy and love to learn"。

Author: Jiang Yuchen, Deng Haobo

First trial: Jiang Yuchen

Second trial: Shi Leihong

Third trial: Wang Xinhui

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