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Study and Engineering News

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Source: Click: Time: March 24, 2024 10:55

March 23, 2024, 7 pm,In the Youth League Auxiliary seabet online sports betting Room F of the Railway News Center,"Count steps to follow,The first phase of "Study Together and Endeavor" Academic Counseling Course was successfully held。This event invited students Zhang Xiongfan and Wang Zijian, the college’s auxiliary volunteers,Members of the student assistant team at the Railway Campus participate in the course。

First,Classmate Wang Zijian shared his thoughts on the future employment direction of software engineering graduates and the trade-off between graduate school and employment。His detailed explanation of the content and preparation strategies for the postgraduate seabet mobile entrance examination,Helping students be well prepared,Comprehensive understanding of the postgraduate entrance examination format and review methods。At the same time,He reminded students to think rationally when choosing their future path,Avoid blindly following the trend,Choose the direction that best suits your development。

Subsequently,Classmate Zhang Xiongfan competes、Shared personal experience on the theme of health care and scientific research。Zhang Xiongfan explained the postgraduate protection policy to the students,Recommended some important seabet casino review competitions to students。Also,He also introduced the ways and work contents for undergraduates to enter the laboratory to participate in scientific research,He encourages students who are willing to further their studies to devote themselves to academic research after classroom study,Lay a good foundation for your future academic career。

Last,Students had in-depth exchanges with seniors during the interactive Q&A session,Get information about course selection、Confusion about interpersonal communication and balancing professional skills and academic performance。This seabet mobile link solves students’ academic confusion in a targeted manner,Enhance communication among classmates。

Passed this course,Students in the student assistant team have a clearer understanding of academic planning and future development paths。"Count steps to follow,Study Together” academic tutoring class will continue to invite outstanding seniors to share their insights,Help junior students plan their life blueprint,Inject more motivation and wisdom into the academic development of students。

Author: Zhang Yousonglin Xue Jiameng

First trial: Song Xiaomeng

Second trial: Shi Leihong

seabet casino review Third trial: Wang Xinhui

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