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Source: Click: Time: March 26, 2024 10:52

In order to give full play to the main role of students,Helping students from families with financial difficulties master professional knowledge、Improve overall seabet online sports betting quality,On March 24, 2024, the student assistant team of the School of Computer Science held the second academic tutoring class in 535, Information Building, New Campus, Central South University,Liu Xing, student leader of work-study positionHost.

Mr. Liu Shuoshuo, the instructor of the work-study position in the School of Computer Science emphasized,The importance of academic studies cannot be ignored in work-study positions,Diligence is supplemented by hard work,Mainly providing student assistance,At the same time, we must also give full play to the strength of teamwork,Strengthen communication,Mutual promotion,This is also the purpose of seabet casino review conducting academic tutoring sessions in this mutual aid camp。

Mutual aid camp tutor Sun Aiwen shared university experience,He is from the diversion、Sharing relevant experience in three aspects: weighted results and scientific research competition。He reminded,As a college student in the new era,To master the ability to search for information independently,Avoid “information occlusion”。Pay attention to methods in the learning process,"Prescribe the right medicine to the case" according to your own needs,In order to achieve ideal results。

Mutual aid camp instructor Zhang Wuxiao shared how to have a fulfilling freshman life,By combining my own seabet casino review personal learning experience,Summary method,Adjust your mentality,Answer to the question "How to learn well"。He pointed out,Focus on different courses,On the one hand, the learning method must match the course content,On the other hand, we should pay attention to the practice of basic courses,Do experiments。Also for general curriculum issues,Zhang Wuxiao listed someMethods and solution examples will benefit everyone a lot.

Last,Mutual aid camp tutors take photos with participating students,To this point,"Count steps to get there,The second phase of the “Study Together and Endeavor” academic tutoring course ended successfully。

"Count steps to get there,seabet mobile Study Together and Endeavor" academic counseling series courses are designed to combine the professional characteristics of the School of Computer Science,Providing academic assistance to students from families with financial difficulties,To help students better cope with academic pressure,Improve academic performance,Enhance professional skills,Thus achieving the all-round growth and development of students with difficulties。There are currently two phases in total,Students actively participate,Good response,We will continue to use the power of mutual assistance in the future,"Lay a solid foundation" for the students' academic tower。

seabet mobile Written by: He Songlin

Photography: Liu Xinghao

First trial: Liu Shuoshuo

Second trial: Shi Leihong

Third trial: Wang Xinhui

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