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Source: Click: Time: March 07, 2024 18:03

In order to better promote the construction of professional disciplines in data science and big data technology,Understand students’ undergraduate teaching needs,Strengthen exchanges between professional teachers and students,Improve the quality of talent training,The School of Computer Science at Central South University held a teaching research meeting for undergraduates majoring in data science and big data technology seabet mobile in Information Building 114 on March 6。Wang Xinhui, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Academy、Lei Hong, director of the Student Affairs Office、Qi Hongjiao, Director of the Academic Affairs Office、Liu Weirong, Deputy Director of the Department of Data Science and Engineering、Kuang Hulin, Deputy Director of the Department of Data Science and Engineering、Level 20 counselor Zhou Qinghan、Level 21 Counselor Chi Xu、Level 22 counselor Liu Shuoshuo attended this meeting,All grades of data science and big data technology major、Class undergraduate representatives attended this meeting。

First,Wang Xinhui, deputy secretary of the party committee of the institute, pointed out the common problems currently existing in data science and big seabet mobile data technology majors,Indicate the theme of this meeting,I hope students can be problem-oriented and seek truth from facts、Speak freely,Actively carry out teacher-student interaction,Form a joint effort to promote professional development。

Subsequently,Student representatives of each grade spoke in turn,For grade level、Different situations in the class from the construction of study style、Course Construction、Put forward problems and suggestions on future employment development and other aspects,Teacher representatives and student representatives had in-depth exchanges and discussions。20th-grade student representatives shared suggestions on the construction of academic style,Proposed that the core of academic style is the learning atmosphere seabet online sports betting of the group,Hope to actively play the leading role of outstanding students,Learning by crossing dormitories,Sharing learning resources and taking multiple measures,Promote the construction of good academic style。Teacher representatives affirmed this suggestion,At the same time, it is proposed to strengthen communication between students of all grades。

Teacher Liu Weirong’s feedback from student representatives,Indicated that it will pay more attention to the construction of professional courses in the future,Emphasis on the long-term nature of curriculum construction、Necessity、Adaptability,Need to continuously improve course quality,Realize the intersection of theoretical knowledge and practical teaching、Match and adapt ability and literacy to actual needs。

seabet mobile Teacher Kuang Hulin pointed out from the perspective of career planning that students should be helped to plan their lives as early as possible,Master professional skills that match reality,Find the right direction。

final,Teacher Wang Xinhui summarized this research meeting,Corresponding reforms will be made based on feedback from teachers and students,Let students achieve success,Promote professional development literacy,Improve comprehensive education ability。

This research meeting was successfully concluded,Student representative Huang Ziqi said,Through this research meeting,In-depth discussion on subject issues with professional teachers,Building consensus on curriculum construction and other aspects,At the same time, I will continue to strengthen my professional seabet casino review learning,Master professional skills,Contribute to the development of the college’s disciplines。

Written by: Bao Yuxuan

Photography:Huang Ziqi,Bao Yuxuan

First trial: Liu Shuoshuo

Second trial: Shi Leihong

Third trial: Wang Xinhui

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