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Source: Click: Time: March 07, 2024 17:55

March 6, 2024 12:40 noon,seabet casino review The regular meeting of the 23rd grade squad leader was held in Room 416 of the Information Building。The purpose of this meeting is to convey the instructions and requirements of the college to the monitors,Do a solid job in the basic work of the class,And summarize and reflect based on the recent student situation。Wulepan、Jiang Yuchen、Three counselors Yuan Yi were present to provide guidance,All grade 23 monitors of the School of Computer Science attended the meeting。

First,Counselor Wu Lepan put forward various requirements regarding student safety,Require each class to seabet casino review resolutely implement the class committee’s bedtime checking and reporting system,Make sure the data is accurate,And emphasize if there are any safety risks,The class committee must report to the counselor as soon as possible。Counselor Jiang Yuchen added,Strictly adhere to the bottom line of safety,obey traffic laws,Be sure to wear a helmet that meets the requirements when traveling on an electric vehicle,Safety is no small matter,Emphasize that it must be communicated to classmates。

Secondly,Counselor Jiang Yuchen emphasized the first recommendation for seabet mobile freshmen to join the party,Be sure to strictly follow the prescribed process and conduct it offline,Be fair、Justice、Public,Insist on comprehensive consideration of all factors,Put an end to irresponsible behavior such as random online voting。

Counselor Yuan Yi proposed that the freshman monitor should convey it to the classmates,We must make arrangements and plans for the future in advance,Insist on "walking on many legs",Develop multiple plans,Adjust your slack mentality in time

final,The monitors of each class summarize, reflect and ask questions based on the class situation,seabet online sports betting Shows the monitors’ serious and responsible attitude towards class affairs。Counselor Wu Lepan summarizes the content of this meeting,Require all class monitors to do a good job in class construction in the new semester、School style management and other aspects,And raised new expectations,Encourage everyone to continue to be enterprising in future work、The spirit of excellence,Communicate and resolve difficulties and problems in a timely manner,Work together to create a better class and grade group!

Author: Jiang Yuchen, Wang Jingbo

First trial: Jiang Yuchen

Second trial: Shi Leihong

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