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Source: Click: Time: December 02, 2023 21:41

In order to better carry out teaching work,Effectively help students solve the teaching process、Problems encountered in teaching management,School of Computer Science, Central South University22Level than11month28日在information building114A teacher-student symposium was held。Counselors Teacher Chen Siyu and Teacher Liu Shuoshuo presided over the meeting,School of Computer Science22Grade seabet online sports betting principals and monitors participated in the meeting as student representatives.

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First,Teacher Chen Siyu emphasized that the main purpose of the meeting is to discover and solve problems existing in teaching,Aims to provide in-depth discussion of teaching issues,Provide useful ideas and suggestions to improve teaching quality。

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Subsequently,Student representatives discussed the class feedback and survey results collected in the previous stage。Representatives are active and enthusiastic,From seabet casino review teaching content、Teaching methods、Everyone expresses his or her own opinions on teaching effectiveness and other aspects,We also communicated on common issues in professional courses and public elective courses,Received great resonance。

Teacher Liu Shuoshuo summarized the representatives’ feedback and gave suggestions,Raising general issues requires joint efforts by teachers and students。On the one hand, the teacher listens to opinions,Discuss solutions together through feedback exchange,Adjust seabet casino review teaching mode,On the other hand, the class itself also needs to take measures to improve learning efficiency、Work together to improve teaching quality。

Last,Teacher Chen Siyu summarized this symposium: Students should base their learning on the fundamentals,Strengthen communication and contact with teachers,Improve knowledge conversion rate,To truly gain something from learning。

Author: Huang Ziqi

First trial: Liu Shuoshuo, Chen Siyu

Second trial: Shi Leihong

Third trial: Wang Xinhui

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