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Study and Engineering News

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Source: Click: Time: August 08, 2023 13:10

July 3 to July 20, 2023,Students from the 2022 class of Software Engineering of the School of Computer Science carried out an 18-day engineering skills internship (C++) at the Zhongshan Training Base。This engineering skills internship aims to expand students’ knowledge、Strengthen students’ practical ability and give students a preliminary concept of project construction。This engineering skills internship is led by Professor Fei Hongxiao and Professor Tang Fengxiao from the Department of Software Engineering,Students studied carefully during the entire training process、Actively ask questions,Exhibits the outstanding style of students from Central South China who are diligent in learning and inquiring。

The practical training mobilization meeting held on June 30, 2023 kicked off the engineering skills internship (C++),The conference seabet casino review seabet mobile mainly introduced the relevant content of practical training to the students、Made specific arrangements for the practical training and provided safety education to the students。The students were very inspired at the mobilization meeting,And determined to deliver an excellent project in the final acceptance process。

The opening ceremony was held at the training base in Zhongshan, Guangdong on the morning of July 3, 2023,At the meeting, the leading teachers of the base expressed their warm welcome to the teachers and students of Central South University and introduced to the students the relevant details and rules and regulations of studying and living at the base,Under the teacher’s explanation, the students gradually became familiar with the base and gradually adapted to life in the base。Life at the base is not only about studying,The teacher also provided basketballs for the students、Volleyball、Badminton and other sports equipment,Let students seabet app download seabet online sports betting not forget to exercise while studying,The combination of work and rest also enables students to devote themselves to learning with a fuller mental state。

Studying at the base is intense but fulfilling,Everyone focuses on studying during evening self-study,The sound of students hurriedly typing on the keyboard in the classroom is clear and sweet,Just to review what you learned during the day and complete the project as soon as possible。At the same time, some students will come to the classroom to ask the teacher about questions encountered during the practical operation,No matter what kind of question it is, the teachers will answer it patiently and explain it in detail。So nervous、Scramble、In an atmosphere that advocates practice,Students’ project progress is gradually accelerating,What I have learned is gradually enriched。

On July 12, 2023, under the auspices of Professor Fei Hongxiao and counselor He Xinglin of the Software seabet sports betting Department, the mid-term seabet mobile teaching inspection student symposium was successfully held。Students spoke freely at the meeting、Everyone has his or her own opinion,Not only summarized his personal experience of studying and living at the base during the past ten days, but also put forward sincere and pragmatic opinions and suggestions,So that the next stage of practical training can be carried out better,At the same time, it also provides valuable experience for the practical training activities of the junior students。

There are two mid-term project inspections and one graduation defense during the entire training process,The purpose of the first two mid-term inspections is to allow teachers to understand the progress of students’ projects、Help students solve existing problems and provide guidance on the next progress of the project。In the final defense session, the teacher will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the project based on the students’ seabet mobile presentations and explanations and score each item,Test what students have done seabet mobile and learned,Summary and evaluation of practical training results。

Recognized outstanding students at the final closing ceremony、Let excellent works be displayed,The students were shocked after watching the display of outstanding works,While learning the experience of creating excellent works,The direction of future study is also clear in my mind。

The 18-day engineering skills internship (C++) enriched the knowledge reserves of software engineering level 22 students、Broadened frontier horizons、Improved practical ability,At the same time, it also gave students a comprehensive understanding of project construction。During the whole process, students also applied what they learned in the school classroom into practice,Not only have a firmer grasp of knowledge,I have developed a good habit of diligent practice。“What you see on paper will eventually make you feel shallow,I know this and must do it”,I believe seabet app download in experiencing this engineering skills internship,Students seabet mobile can firmly grasp the golden key of "practice" in their future studies,Discovering problems in practice、Solve the problem、Pursuit of truth,Achieved more fruitful results、Hand in a more perfect answer sheet。

Writer: Wu Shichang, Software Engineering Class 2203

Instructor: Fei Hongxiao He Xinglin

Second trial: Shi Leihong

Third trial: Shi Jinjing

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