Report seabet online sports bettingtle: Adversarial Attacks on Federated Learning Revisited: a Pracseabet online sports bettingcal Perspecseabet online sports bettingve
Report seabet online sports bettingme and place:2024Year9month12Day, mseabet online sports bettingning10:00, School Mseabet online sports bettingagement Building304Room
Repseabet online sports bettingt Summary: In recent years, security seabet online sports betting in machine learning not only serves to safeguard critical usage of trained models but also sheds light to new perspectives of these models. In this talk, we look into protecting federated learning models by addressing important gaps limiting existing solutions for practical scenarios. We start with client selection in Federated Learning and show that client selection has been skipped in prior FL security works however it impacts both attacks and defenses on FL in practical. Next, we move to another aspect that has been proved to be challenging in FL, i.e., non-iid. Particularly, we are the first to explore different non-iid settings for FL while prior works mostly adopted one of many.
seabet online sports bettingout the speaker:
Yimin (Ian) Chen received his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Peking University in 2010, and his Ph.D. degree from ASU in 2018 with a focus on security and privacy in mobile computing. He joined the Miner seabet online sports betting CIS as an Assistant Professor in 2021. Currently, his work focuses on the understanding and development of secure and privacy-aware machine learning models with applications on NLP, IoT, and healthcare systems including data space attack detection, privacy-aware NLP models for EHR, etc. His papers appear in leading networking and security conferences (e.g., IEEE S&P and INFOCOM, ACM CCS and MobiCom, NDSS) and journals (e.g., IEEE TDSC).