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Source: Click: Time: October 26, 2023 15:32

Reporter: Peng Yun  The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Report location: Conference Room 535, Information Building, New Campus

Reporting time: October 30, 2023 (Monday) 4:30 pm

Report title: Intelligent code analysis and repair in the era of large models

Report Introduction:

Code analysis and program vulnerability repair have aroused widespread interest and research in the academic community since the invention of programming languages。Traditional rule-based code analysis techniques (such as static analysis) seabet sports betting and template-based vulnerability repair techniques have achieved great success and are widely used in software development。In deep learning technology,Especially today with the rapid development of Large Language Model,Intelligent code analysis and repair have achieved greater performance breakthroughs than traditional code analysis technology。In this report,The speaker used the currently popular programming language Python as an example,Introducing Python type inference based on a combination of deep learning and traditional seabet sports betting program analysis techniques (ICSE 2022,ASE 2023) and Python type error fixes (ICSE 2024)。Students interested in code analysis and program repair are welcome to participate。

Personal introduction:

Peng Yun,Fourth year doctoral student in ARISE Lab, Chinese University of Hong Kong,The instructor is Prof. Michael R. Lyu,Graduated from the Junior College of the University of Science and Technology of China in Computer Science and Technology in 2020 and received an honorary degree。Research field is software engineering,The research direction seabet app download is intelligent code analysis,Include type inference,Software bug fixes, etc.。He is the author of ICSE, the top conference and journal in the field of software engineering、ESEC/FSE,ASE,Many papers published on IEEE TSE,And was nominated for the Outstanding Paper Award of ASE 2023 and the Outstanding Paper Award of ICSE 2022。He currently serves as a reviewer for IEEE TSE and ACM TOSEM, the top journals in the field of software engineering。

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of seabet app download Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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