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Report title:The development and future perspectives of Al models from our own practices

Report location: Information Building535Lecture Hall

Report time:2023Year05month04Sunday (Thursday) morning9Points30points

Reporter: Fang Hui

Personal introduction:Dr. Fang Hui is currently a professor at the School of Software, Dalian University,Associate Professor, School of Computing, Loughborough University, UK,2006Received PhD from University of Bradford, UK。Later engaged in postdoctoral research and teaching positions seabet mobile in many British universities。The main research field is comparative learning、Transfer learning、Multimodal fusion,Multimedia signal processing and visual analysis, etc.,atIEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPRCCF AClass Conference)AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAICCF AClass Conference)IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics CCF AClass, Chinese Academy of Sciences1District, impact factor5.226),Pattern Recognition CCF BClass, Chinese Academy of Sciences1District, impact factor8.518),IEEE Transactions on MultimediaCCF BClass, Chinese Academy of Sciences1District, impact factor8.182),IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology CCF BClass, Chinese Academy of Sciences1District, impact factor5.859) and other internationally renowned academic journals and conferences published60Remaining papers。Host and participated in many national-level projects,Have sufficient project research experience。

Abstract:Advanced AI techniques have been developed rapidly in recent years. Many deep neural network seabet sports betting models have been successfully applied in real-world applications. However, several key challenges hinder the further use of these new models more widely. In this talk, after identifying these challenges, our possible solutions are discussed to shed light on future perspectives of AI techniques. I will present our recent papers, including weakly supervised learning, attention-based models, contrastive learning, few shot based learning, spiking neuron network and their applications.


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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: seabet casino review Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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