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Source: Click: Time: April 06, 2023 09:53

Reporter: Li Angsheng


Reporting location: Computer Building313


Report time:4month7Sunday (Friday) afternoon300


Report title:The information principle of artificial intelligence


Report Introduction:

Every object in the real world is the result of the combined action of certainty and uncertainty;Every object moves according to its own rules;Every object is required to maintain its existence and state;Motion and interaction make the real world full of uncertainty;Uncertainty makes objects full of competition;Every object is required to win the competition、Profit。The real world is the information world。Information science is the science that studies the information world。The fundamental problem seabet sports betting in the information world seabet mobile is the scientific problem of mathematically understanding learning and intelligence。

Information world objects are not infinitely divisible,I propose a hierarchical abstract scientific paradigm of the information world,The abstract mathematical theory of layer spectrum is structural information theory and information calculation theory based on structural information,Established a mathematical theory of reasoning that combines local logical reasoning and global intuitive reasoning。Information is the essential mathematical foundation behind knowledge and intelligence。Both humans and animals learn by observation。The mathematical essence of learning is information decoding and information generation。Learning theory based on information calculus theory and mathematical theory of reasoning establishes knowledge discovery of the real world through seabet casino review observation、seabet online sports betting Mathematical theory revealed by rules,SolvedKnow the enemy’s question。People have self-awareness。The mathematical theory of self-awareness is the basis for establishing machine self-awareness。Self-awareness is a learning subject’s cognition of self,Distinguish between yourself and the outside world,Knowledge and perception of one’s own certainties and uncertainties in the environment。Therefore,The core concept of self-awareness is information。Established a mathematical theory of self-awareness based on information calculus theory。Self-awareness fundamentally solves the problem of a learning subjectConfidant’s question。The core scientific idea of ​​Sun Tzu’s Art of War is: planning,ie,A game based on knowing your enemy and yourself。 Planning is the overall strategy,It is the concept of information science,Regarded as a partial strategy,is a concept seabet mobile of computational seabet sports betting science。The idea of ​​calculation is the combination of information science and computing science,It is the idea of ​​combining global intuitive reasoning and local logical reasoning。Mathematical theory of observational learning、Mathematical theory and game of self-awareness/Computing theory is the three pillar theory of artificial intelligence.This report will introduce this new theoretical system of artificial intelligence。


About the speaker:

Li Angsheng, professor at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.2003Winner of the National Outstanding Youth Fund,2008Selected in the Hundred Talents Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences。Current Director of the Basic Artificial Intelligence Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Artificial Intelligence。1993Graduated from the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences,seabet mobile Received a doctorate degree。1993Year7month-2018Year7Worked at the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, respectively19951999. Different from1998Year1month-1999Year1month,2000Year2month-2002Year2Month in the UKLeedsVisiting scholar and researcher at the university.2008Year9month-2009Year3Month in the United StatesCornellBeing a visiting scientist at the university.2012Year1month-2012Year3month,Visiting scholar at the Newton Institute of Mathematics, University of Cambridge, UK。2018Year7month-Now, I am working at the School of Computer Science, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.2016Year,Propose the concept of coding tree、Measurement of structural entropy,Founded "Structural Information Theory"。The current main work is to create "Mathematical Principles of the Information World",Established the hierarchical abstract scientific paradigm theory of the information world,seabet app download Established seabet mobile including information calculation、Information science principles with three pillars: information generation and information decoding,Established mathematical theory including (observational) learning、Mathematical theory and game of self-awareness/The calculation theory is the three pillars of artificial intelligence information principles.

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