seabet casino title: Intelligent vulnerability discovery and verification
seabet casino time:seabet casino4, 2021 8:00 am30-12:00
Reporting loseabet casinotion: Tencent Conference seabet casino: 416 7814 4962
seabet casino Summary:
The artificial intelligence technology that has emerged in recent years has had an important impact on offensive and defensive confrontation。On the one hand, it can assist traditional offensive and defensive methods,Make it intelligent and efficient;On the other hand,Its own security issues,such as adversarial sample、Neural network backdoor, etc.,Autonomous driving is also a constant threat、Facial recognition payment and other applications。This seabet casino will mainly focus on intelligent vulnerability discovery and verification,Including the application of artificial intelligence technologies such as natural language understanding and deep learning in vulnerability discovery and verification,Also describes the application of natural language processing technology in behavior analysis of voice control programs。
Lectuseabet casinor’s profile:
Institute of seabet casino Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences Researcher, seabet casino of Chinese Academy of Sciences Professor、Doctoral Supervisor。Deputy Director of the State Key Laboratory of seabet casino Security,Director of the Editorial Department of "Journal of seabet casino Security"。Received a doctorate from the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2010。China Computer Federation-System Software seabet casino Standing seabet casino member、Artificial Intelligence Society-Standing seabet casino Member of the Artificial Intelligence and Security seabet casino、China Secrecy Association-Standing Member of the Privacy Protection seabet casino。Main research areas include system security、Artificial Intelligence Security。In IEEE S&P、USENIX Security、ACM CCS、ICSE、ASE、TIFS、TDSC、More than 100 papers published by TMC and others;Presided over the National Natural Science Foundation of China (key project)、National key R&D projects and other countries, Miniseabet casinory projectsMore than 40 items。Vice Chairman of RAID 2019 Conference,S&P、USENIX Security、Member of CCS and other Class A meeting program seabet casino。Won top-notch young talents from the National “Ten Thousand Thousand People Plan”、Beijing Natural Science Foundation "Outstanding Youth" Fund、Beijing Zhiyuan Young Scientists、Beijing “Science and Technology Rising Star” and other funding。