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Academic seabet online casino

Academic seabet online casino by Ye Wei, a doctoral candidate in 2018

Source: Click: Time: March 11, 2021 10:11

seabet online casino title: Realizing long-distance continuous variable seabet online casino based on non-Gaussian operations

seabet online casinoTime:2021year3month19Sunday evening19:30

seabet online casinoLocation:Electronic Building, Railway College, Central South University404

Reporter:Ye Wei

seabet online casino Summary:

In the era of booming information technology,People are paying more and more attention to information security。Especially,For the advent of quantum computers,The computational security on which classical cryptography relies will face huge challenges。For this,Scientists turn their research attention to seabet online casino,Because it can ensure the security of communication from the physical level。Generally speaking,seabet online casino can be divided into:Discrete variable seabet online casino (DV-QKD) and continuous variable seabet online casino(CV-QKD)。Compared to the former,The latter has a high code rate,No need for special conditions such as special seabet online casino light source and single photon detector,Can be achieved using only current common optical communication devices,It also has outstanding advantages such as co-fiber simultaneous transmission with existing optical communication services。But,Due to actual technical limitations,This kindCV-QKDThe transmission distance of the solution is far inferiorDV-QKD's situation. To this end, this seabet online casino will first describeCV-QKDResearch background on transmission distance,And analyze the reasons for its short distance and provide solutions。Next,By the introduced non-Gaussian operating model (such as photon subtraction),This seabet online casino shows its corresponding equivalent operator form,And applied to continuous variable quantum key distribution。Research results show,Under specific modulation variance,Using non-Gaussian operations can not only further achieve long-distance operationCV-QKD, and can also improve the robustness of the seabet online casino system.

Address: seabet online casino Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province Contact: 0731-88836659

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