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Notice of Academic Report of Professor Hou Junhui of City seabet casino games of Hong Kong

Source: Click: Time: November 23, 2020 16:05

Title: Learning-based Light Field seabet casino games Processing

ReportTime:2020/11/27 10:00-12:00

Report FormTencent Conference Conference ID: 812 168 762


The light field (LF) image not only records the accumulated light intensity of the scene but also implicitly encodes the scene’s three-dimensional geometry seabet casino games. LF images facilitate/allow a wide range of exciting applications, e.g., image editing/post-capture refocus, 3-D reconstruction, etc. Moreover, the LF is thought of as a promising paradigm for immersive 3-D telepresence, which can be widely applied to entertainment, telerehabilitation, business, etc., to significantly reform human work and lifestyles.

Recent advances in commercial hand-held LF cameras make the convenient acquisition of LF images in a single snapshot possible, which dramatically boosts LF-based research and applications. In this talk, I will introduce our recent progress on learning-based seabet casino games processing, including seabet casino games denoising/compression/depth estimation, and high-fidelity seabet casino games reconstruction (spatial/angular super-resolution).

Dr. Junhui Hou received the B.Eng. degree in seabet casino games engineering (Talented Students Program) from the South China seabet casino games of Technology, Guangzhou, China, in 2009, the M.Eng. degree in signal and information processing from Northwestern Polytechnical seabet casino games, Xian, China, in 2012, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronic engineering from the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological seabet casino games, Singapore, in 2016. He has been an Assistant Professor with the Department of Computer Science, City seabet casino games of Hong Kong, since 2017. His research interests fall into the general areas of visual computing, such as seabet casino games/video/3D geometry data representation, processing and analysis, semi/un-supervised data modeling, and data compression and adaptive transmission

Dr. Hou was the recipient of several prestigious awards, including the Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Students Study Abroad from China Scholarship Council in 2015, and the Early Career Award (3/381) from the Hong Kong seabet casino games Grants Council in 2018. He is a member of Multimedia Systems & Applications Technical Committee (MSA-TC), IEEE CAS. He is currently serving as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, The Visual Computer, and Signal Processing: seabet casino games Communication, and the Guest Editor for the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. He also served an Area Chair of ACM MM 2019 and 2020, IEEE ICME 2020, and WACV 2021. He is a senior member of IEEE.

Address: Information Building of Central South seabet casino games, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province Contact: 0731-88836659

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