Report title: CHTKC: a robust and efficient k-mer counting algorithm based on a lock-free chaining hash table
Report time:2020Year11month10Day (week二)下注noon16:00
ReportLocation:seabet casino games Main Computer Building313
Report Summary:Calculating the frequency of occurrence of each substring of length k in DNA sequences is a common task in many bioinformatics applications, including genome assembly, error correction, and sequence alignment. Although the problem is simple, efficient counting of datasets with high sequencing depth or large genome size is a challenge. We propose a robust and efficient method, CHTKC, to solve the k-mer counting problem with a lock-free hash table that uses linked lists to resolve collisions. We also design new mechanisms to optimize memory usage and handle situations where memory is not enough to accommodate all k-mers. CHTKC has been thoroughly tested on seven datasets under multiple memory usage scenarios and compared with Jellyfish2 and KMC3. Our work shows that using a hash-table-based method to effectively solve the k-mer counting problem remains a feasible solution.
About the speaker: Wang Guohua,Dean of the School of Information and Computer Engineering, Northeast Forestry University,seabet casino games,Doctoral Supervisor。2009Received a PhD in computer application technology from Harbin Institute of Technology。2009Served as associate seabet casino games at the School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology,seabet casino games,Doctoral Supervisor。2019Transferred to the School of Information and Computer Engineering of Northeast Forestry seabet casino games as Dean,State Key Laboratory of Forestry Genetics and BreedingPI。2013Selected into the “New Century Excellent Talent Support Program” of the Ministry of Education,Postdoctoral fellow at Johns Hopkins seabet casino games。Standing Member of the Bioinformatics Committee of the China Computer Federation,Member of the Bioinformatics and Artificial Life Special Committee of the Artificial Intelligence Society。Main research direction is bioinformatics、Artificial Intelligence。RenBMC GenomicsJournal editorial board member, already inNature protocols,Nature Review Genetics,Nucleic Acids seabet casino games,BioinformaticsPublished in other journalsSCISearch international journal articles50More articles. Host as person in charge2item country863,4National Natural Science Foundation project.2018year,2019Review expert of the key special meeting of the 13th Five-Year National Key seabet casino games and Development Plan "Digital Diagnostic and Treatment Equipment seabet casino games and Development"。