seabet betting platform title:Research on arbitration seabet betting platform of quantum walk on the ring
seabet betting platform time:2020Year09month27日Night19:30
seabet betting platform location: Railway Institute Comprehensive Experimentfloor308
Reporter: Feng Yanyan
seabet betting platform Summary:
Quantum walk is a generalization of classical random walk in the quantum field。Quantum walk shows completely different properties from the classical random walk due to the interference and superposition characteristics of quantum states。Same as classic random walk,Quantum walking has also become a very important tool for designing quantum algorithms,Has achieved great success on many issues,Example search question、Element distinction、Find triangle structure、State transfer and invisible transmission, etc.。This seabet betting platform mainly talks about the teleportation model using quantum walking,Proposed an arbitration quantum signature algorithm。The teleportation model of quantum walk is used to transmit a copy of the information from the signer to the verifier,The entangled states necessary to complete this process do not need to be prepared in advance,They can be automatically generated during the walk during the signature phase。Also,In order to resist the forgery attack of the completed signature by the recipient in the current scheme under the condition of known information signature pair,Introduced random numbers and public channels and improved cryptographic algorithms in the signature phase of the scheme。Security analysis shows that the proposed protocol has the impossibility of signer and verifier denial,And the impossibility of anyone forging it。Last,Since quantum walks have been proven to be possible in many different physical systems and experimentally,The proposed quantum signature algorithm is achievable in the future。