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Quantum seabet online casino games Distribution and Artificial Intelligence

Source: Click: Time: March 12, 2019 11:02

Report title: Quantum seabet online casino games Distribution and Artificial Intelligence

seabet online casino games time: 19:00 pm on March 12, 2019 (Tuesday)

Reporting location: Conference Room 404, Electronic seabet online casino games, Railway College

Reporters: Xie Cailang, Zhou Jian, Zhu Rong

Report title: Machine learning and continuous variable quantum seabet online casino games distribution.(Xie Cairang)

Report summary: Quantum seabet online casino games distribution is an important branch of modern cryptography,And with the development of quantum computers,Traditional encryption methods face serious challenges,The practical application of quantum encryption is imminent。Quantum seabet online casino games distribution can be divided into two implementation schemes: discrete variable quantum seabet online casino games distribution and continuous variable quantum seabet online casino games distribution,The continuous variable scheme is easy to integrate with traditional coherent optical communications、Easy to prepare、Ease of detection and other characteristics have attracted more and more attention from researchers。The theoretical unconditional security of the continuous variable quantum seabet online casino games distribution protocol has been rigorously proven,But its actual security is due to the device、There is still a certain gap between the impact of the environment and unconditional safety。This report will briefly introduce several classic machine learning methods,And provide several ideas on how to improve the actual security of continuous variable quantum seabet online casino games distribution through machine learning methods。

Report title: Long-distance continuous variable subkey seabet online casino games based on separable Gaussian states (Zhou Jian)

Report summary: Continuous variable subkey distribution is considered as a secure communication scheme to replace traditional cryptography。However,Due to the impact of channel noise and loss,The transmission distance is limited to the urban area。This paper proposes a long-distance continuous variable quantum seabet online casino games distribution scheme using separable Gaussian states。This tunable quantum seabet online casino games distribution protocol requires separable Gaussian states,With the help of classical communication and available linear optics,Complete by performing compression and displacement operations on the compressed and shifted Gaussian states。The protocol arises from the entanglement of a pattern with an auxiliary pattern for distribution,This entanglement is first destroyed by local correlation noise,Then interference recovery through auxiliary mode and second remotely separable correlation mode。The displacement matrix consists of two six-dimensional vectors,Finally determined by the divisibility of the three-point system。Alice、Detachability of Bob and auxiliary systems reduces enemy eavesdropping,Less to tolerate higher excess noise and achieve longer transmission distance。

seabet online casino games title: Research on ghost imaging reconstruction algorithm based on compressed sensing (Zhu Rong)

Ghost Imaging is a new imaging technology that has emerged in recent years,Also known as correlation imaging or seabet online casino games imaging。Since ghost imaging technology uses the correlation of light fields to image,To obtain a clear enough image,A large number of samples must be carried out,Resulting in too long sampling time,And the image quality is not good。Therefore,How to use fewer sampling times to obtain higher-quality reconstructed images in existing ghost imaging solutions has become a hot issue in research。Compressed sensing theory is a new signal processing technology that has attracted much attention in recent years,It can reconstruct the original target image with higher quality using far less sampling times than the Nyquist theory requires to reconstruct the image。Researchers have introduced compressed sensing theory into ghost imaging systems,Thus achieving higher quality reconstructed images with a lower sampling number。This report briefly introduces the image reconstruction capabilities of several different compressed sensing reconstruction algorithms in ghost imaging systems。

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