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Quantum key distribution and cross-media seabet app download in non-inertial frames

Source: Click: Time: March 13, 2019 11:02

Report title: Quantum key distribution and cross-media seabet app download in non-inertial frames

seabet app download time: 19:00 pm on March 13, 2019 (Wednesday)

Reporting location: Conference Room 404, Electronic Building, Railway College

Reporters: Zhou Jian, Xie Cairang

Report title: Compressed state quantum key seabet app download protocol in non-inertial frame (Zhou Jian)

Report summary: Extending the maximum seabet app download distance of quantum key distribution plays a vital role in quantum information processing。We are under the framework of relativistic quantum fields,Proposed a directionally compressed state protocol with observer-detected signals,And provides an analytical solution to the compressed state seabet app download problem from the inertial sensor to the acceleration receiver。In agreement,The quantum source is held by Alice,She is stationary in the Minkowski coordinate system,The quantum detector is held by Bob,He is stationary in the Rindler coordinate system。We conducted a rigorous evaluation of relativistic quantum communication protocols in terms of local detectors and squeezed states。Compared with coherent state-based protocols,The variance of the signal pattern involved is closer to optimality。Simulation results show,The compressed state protocol provides longer seabet app download distances using reverse harmonics in the framework of quantum field theory,Can be achieved using microwave technology in free space。Key rate is affected by emission time and pulse center frequency,Decreases with the decrease of pulse center frequency and emission time。Compared with the original coherent state quantum key distribution protocol,The compressed state quantum key distribution protocol has a long seabet app download distance,reached 300 kilometers。It provides an alternative way to go beyond currently achievable distances,Can be used to realize quantum communication in curved space,Technologies such as continuous variable teleportation and continuous variable dense coding。

Report title: Research on free space continuous variable quantum key distribution and cross-media seabet app download (Xie Cailang)

Report summary: Sea water accounts for about 71% of the earth’s surface area,Safe underwater communications will include fiber optics、Full coverage of global secure communication network including free space。The free space latent continuous variable quantum key seabet app download system can greatly expand the latent communication distance,Establish underwater equipment and surface equipment、Secure communication links for land and air equipment。However, the performance of this system is affected by various environmental factors,For example, atmospheric turbulence、Ripples caused by sea breeze、Absorption and scattering of seawater、Background stray light interference, etc.。It can be seen from this,Comprehensive consideration of various actual factors to analyze the performance of free space on the potential cross-media continuous variable quantum communication system is crucial to the verification of the possibility of the system,It promotes the leap from theory to practice of underwater quantum communication,Also promotes satellite-to-latent quantum communication、The rapid development of global full coverage quantum communication network。

Address: seabet app download Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province Contact: 0731-88836659

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