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Academic report by Associate seabet online casino He Ligang, University of Warwick, UK

Source: Click: Time: April 19, 2019 10:53

seabet online casino title: WolfGraph: Edge-Centric graph processing on GPUs

seabet online casino time: April 22, 2019 (Monday) 16:00 pm

seabet online casino location: Conference Room 206, Computer Building

Reporter: Associate seabet online casino He Ligang

seabet online casino Introduction:

There is significant interest nowadays in developing the frameworks for parallelizing the seabet online casino of large graphs such as social networks, Web graphs, etc. The work has been proposed to parallelize the graph seabet online casino on clusters (distributed memory), multicore machines (shared memory) and GPU devices. Most existing research on GPU-based graph seabet online casino employs the vertex-centric seabet online casino model and the Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) form to store and process a graph. However, they suffer from irregular memory access and load imbalance in GPU, which hampers the full exploit of GPU performance. In this talk, I will present WolfGraph, a GPU-based graph seabet online casino framework that overcomes the above problems. WolfGraph adopts the edge-centric seabet online casino, which iterates over the edges rather than vertices. The data structure and graph partition in WolfGraph are carefully crafted so as to minimize the graph pre-seabet online casino and allow the fully coalesced memory access. WolfGraph fully utilizes the GPU power by seabet online casino all edges in parallel. We also developed a new method, called Concatenated Edge List (CEL) to process a graph that is bigger than the global memory of GPU. WolfGraph allows the users to define their own graph-seabet online casino methods and plug them into the WolfGraph framework.

About the speaker:

Ligang He received the Ph.D degree in Computer Science at the University of Warwick, United Kingdom, and worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Cambridge, UK. From 2006, he worked in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Warwick as Assistant seabet online casino and then as Associate seabet online casino. His research interests focus on parallel and distributed processing, high performance computing, cloud computing. He has published more than 100 papers in international conferences and journals, such as IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IPDPS, CCGrid, MASCOTS. He has been a co-chair or a member of the program committee for a number of international conferences, and been the reviewers for many international journals.

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