seabet live casino website title: Quantum Machine Learning
seabet live casino website time: May 27, 2019 (Monday) 9:00 am
seabet live casino website location: Conference Room 308, First Comprehensive Laboratory Building, Railway Campus
Reporter: Dr. Zhang Danbo
seabet live casino website Introduction: Quantum Machine Learning uses quantum computing to enhance machine learning capabilities, It is an emerging field that is currently developing。First,Reviewing the current development status of quantum machine learning;Secondly,Based on discrete-continuous variable mixed variable scheme,Introducing the speaker’s recent work on quantum algorithms for linear and nonlinear regression;Last,Discuss the near-term achievable quantum machine learning,Especially the solution based on variational quantum circuits。
About the speaker: Zhang Danbo,Received a PhD from the University of Hong Kong in 2017,Research fields include interacting topological states and topological quantum computing。2018 to present,Working as a postdoctoral fellow at seabet live casino website China Normal University,Engaged in research on quantum machine learning,Mainly includes enhancing machine learning through quantum computing,And using machine learning to solve quantum many-body problems。