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Academic Report of Dr. Yang Yilong seabet betting the University of Macau

Source: Click: Time: June 14, 2019 18:04

Report title: Automated Prototype Generation seabet betting Formal Requirements Model

Report time: June 18, 2019 3:00 pm

Reporting location: Conference Room 308, Computer Building, School Headquarters

Reporter: Dr. Yang Yilong (seabet betting of Macau)

Abstract:Prototyping is an effective and efficient way of requirement validation to avoid introducing errors in the early stage of software development. However, manually developing a prototype of a software system requires additional efforts, which would increase the overall cost of software development. We present an approach with a developed tool RM2PT to automated prototype generation seabet betting formal requirements models for requirements validation. A requirements model consists of a use case diagram, a conceptual class diagram, use case definitions specified by system sequence diagrams and the contracts of their system operations. A system operation contract is formally specified by a pair of pre- and post-conditions in OCL. We propose a method with a set of transformation rules to decompose a contract into executable parts and non-executable parts. An executable part can be automatically transformed into a sequence of primitive operations by applying their corresponding rules, and a non-executable part is not transformable with the rules. The tool RM2PT provides a mechanism for developers to develop a piece of program for each non-executable part manually, which can be plugged into the generated prototype source code automatically. We have conducted four case studies with over 50 use cases. The experimental result shows that the 93.65% system operations are executable, and only 6.35% are non-executable, which can be implemented by developers manually or invoking the third-party APIs. Overall, the result is satisfactory. Each 1 second prototype generated of four case studies requires approximate 1 day’ manual implementation by a skilled programmer. The proposed approach with the developed CASE tool can be applied to the software industry for requirements engineering.

Biography:YILONG YANG received the B.S. degree in computer science seabet betting the China University of Mining and Technology, China, in 2010, the M.S. degree seabet betting Guizhou University, China, in 2013, the Ph.D. degree in software engineering with the University of Macau, in 2019. He has been a Fellow with the International Institute for Software Technology, United Nations University, Macau. His research interests include automated software engineering and machine learning application.

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South seabet betting, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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