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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: seabet sports betting Time: June 07, 2024 15:31

Dear students:

According to the "Notice of the School of Computer Science on Encouraging Students to Participate in CCF-CSP Certification" and the "Notice of the School of Computer Science on Adjusting the CCF Certification Incentive Policy for Students",To improve the software development capabilities of students in our college,Promote students’ all-round development,Improve the quality of talent training,Decision discussed and decided by the Faculty of Economics,Encourage all majors in the college to take the CCF-CSP exam seabet online sports betting certification,The college will provide financial support to students who score more than 200 points (including 200 points) in the certification test,The notice regarding the registration fee subsidy for certified students in 2023 is now as follows:

1. Subsidy objects

Take the CCF-CSP certification exam in 2023 (29th time、30th time、31st time、32nd certification) and current students in our school who have obtained 200 points or more (including 200 points),If the registration fee has been paid by the college for a certain certification examination, no subsidy will be given。

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Registration fee for the exam if you successfully register to take the exam and obtain 200 points or more (including 200 points),Those who have taken the exam multiple times and whose scores meet the requirements,Only reimbursed once。

3. Time arrangement

Before June 12, 2024,Summary review list of counselors of each grade;

Before June 17, 2024,College review summary,After it is correct, it will be handed over to the school finance and distributed according to the process;

IV. Material requirements

All materials only need electronic version,A total of 2 electronic materials need to be submitted:

seabet app download 1.Certification screenshot (log in to CCF official website and take a screenshot,The naming format is professional grade-name-amount,Refer to attachment 1 screenshot template,Please hide sensitive information yourself),Please put all screenshots in one folder when summarizing grades。

2.Summary table of subsidy distribution (Attachment 2,For financial distribution)。

School of Computer Science

June 7, 2024

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: seabet online sports betting Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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