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Notice Announcement

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seabet casino review Source: Click: Time: April 18, 2024 11:16

In accordance with the relevant spirit and requirements of the "Notice of the School of Computer Science on the Selection of Part-time Counselors",Upon application,Review by the Student Affairs Office,College Selection Panel Interview Assessment,The study decision of the college party and government joint meeting seabet online sports betting unanimously agreed with Liu Shu and others5 people are candidates to be hired as part-time counselors by the School of Computer Science。Now announced。

The publicity period is2024year4month18-2024year4month22Day, if you have any objection, please submit it within the public notice periodFeedback to the College Student Affairs Office

Contact:Teacher Teacher, contact number:0731-88877769.

seabet online sports betting Attachment: List of candidates to be hired as part-time counselors:

   Liu  Shu, Xie Jiawen, Xu Jiaxin, Wang Xinyao, Liu Yiping

                      School of Computer Science Student Affairs Office

                          April 18, 2024

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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