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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: April 02, 2024 18:08

Chapter 1 General Provisions

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Article 1 Social practice is a required course for students’ growth,It is a practical exercise for college students,An important part of self-education。Our college attaches great importance to the combination of education, productive labor and social practice,Cultivation of all-round development of socialist builders and successors。Organization and management work to standardize the social practice of college students,Ensure the safety of social practice activities,Maintain the physical and mental health of participants,Promote the smooth development of practical activities。According to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China、The State Council’s “Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening Labor Education in Universities, Middle Schools and Primary Schools in the New Era” and “Several Opinions of the Ministry of Education seabet online sports betting and Other Departments on Further Strengthening Practical Education in Colleges and Universities” (Teaching Thoughts2012 1 ) National Education Commission's "Interim Provisions on Safety Education and Management of Students in General Colleges and Universities" (National Education Commission TeachingState Education Commission Teaching19927) "Measures for Handling Student Injury Accidents" of the Ministry of Education (Order of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China No.12) and other relevant document spirit and relevant document requirements for graduate students’ participation in social practice,Based on the actual situation of our school,Specially formulated measures。

Article 2 This method applies to all teams that initiate social practice activities and carry out social practice activities at Central South University。

Chapter 2 Team Organization

Article 3 School of Computer Science will be announced through the official website of the school、Publish recruitment information seabet casino review for social practice activities through bulletin boards and other channels,Select and form participating teams based on registration status。Establish a Steering Committee for Social Practice Activities,Responsible for formulating event guidelines、Review activity plans and safety plans, etc.。Students participating in social practice must inform their parents of the detailed itinerary of relevant social practice activities,And keep in touch with parents at any time。

Chapter 3 Activity Preparation

Article 4 Before social practice activities are carried out,Develop a detailed safety plan,includes personnel safety、Food Safety、Traffic safety, etc.,Guarantee the safety of participants,And hold a safety education conference。

Article 5 The college understands each student’s summer social practice intention before the team practice trip,And organize students to fill in the "Summer Social Practice Commitment Letter for Students of School of Computer Science, Central South University",After summary, report to the school youth league committee for record。

Article 6 Practice team members must take the initiative to explain their practice location and time to parents,Fill in the "Parent Information Form for Social Practice of Central South University Students",Sign and submit in class units to the Youth League Committee Office of the College for record。

Article 7 Before the event,The college should organize a team to conduct a survey of the practice location,Understand local conditions,Apply to the other unit or administrative department to assist and guide the smooth development of social practice activities。

Article 8 The college provides necessary material and financial support,Ensure adequate preparation of resources required for the event。

Chapter 4 Team Management

Article 9 The Steering Committee will provide organizational guidance and training for participating team members,Clear team discipline,All members of the same social practice team should act in a unified manner,Private actions are prohibited except under special circumstances。

Article 10 Establish effective communication seabet mobile channels and reporting mechanisms,Implement a one-report-a-day system,The person in charge of the social practice team should register the movements of the team members,And do a good job in team safety and tracking。Social practice team leaders and leading teachers should have mobile phones24Hours remain open.

Article 11 Based on the performance and contribution of participants in the event,Conduct performance evaluation and rewards and punishments,Incentivize active participation。

Chapter 5 Emergency Handling

Article 12 Develop emergency plans and response measures seabet casino review for social practice activities,Including emergency handling procedures and division of responsibilities for emergencies。In the event of an emergency,Follow the guidance of the plan,Take quick response measures,And promptly report to the college leadership and relevant departments。

Article 13 Establish a crisis public relations mechanism,Communicate effectively with relevant school departments and media,Properly handle emergencies,Protect the reputation of the college seabet sports betting and the interests of participants。

Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions

Article 14 This method is interpreted by the Committee of the School of Computer Science of Central South University of the Communist Youth League。

Article 15 This regulation will take effect from the date of promulgation,And continue to update and improve。The original regulations are inconsistent with these regulations,Subject to these regulations。

Committee of School of Computer Science, Central South University, Communist Youth League


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