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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: April 2, 2024 18:02

seabet online sports betting 1.Students participating in practical activities at Central South University must truthfully fill out the "Application Form for Social Practice Credit Recognition for Students of School of Computer Science, Central South University",Submit practice report,Responsible person’s evaluation and other information,Comprehensive evaluation of practical results。Those who obtain school-level practice project approval and are rated as "excellent" will receive 2 practice credits (the proportion of excellence shall not exceed 60%) and an additional honorary seabet mobile certificate;Those assessed as “passed” will receive 1 practice credit;Those assessed as “unqualified” will not be awarded credits;Those who have obtained college-level project approval and are evaluated as "excellent" can receive 1 practical credit (the proportion of excellence shall not exceed 60%),Other credits will not be recognized。The college’s second-level league organization will comprehensively consider students’ abilities,Practical results and other factors,And publish the assessment results within the college。

2.In the process of cadre seabet app download selection and merit evaluation,Incorporate participation in social practice activities into important assessment indicators,Students who have achieved outstanding results in social practice activities will be given priority。

3.In the work of developing league members and recommending outstanding Communist Youth League members to become party activists and development targets,Priority will be given to students who have participated in social practice activities and performed well,Use this as a basis for whether students can connect theory with practice。

4.The second-level league organization of the college will hold a summary defense seabet mobile meeting,Select outstanding teams and individuals,Awarded certificate of honor,Rewards such as bonuses or preferred internship opportunities。Teams and individuals with outstanding performance in social practice activities will publish relevant activity deeds through the college media platform。

5.Establishing a practical project fund,For excellent practice projects initiated by students and approved,Give certain financial support。

Committee of School of Computer Science, Central South University, Communist Youth League


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Contact information: seabet casino review 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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