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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: January 02, 2024 14:04

Dear students:

2024The notice of the 18th "Shenghua Cup" College Student Entrepreneurship Plan Competition, the on-campus selection competition of Hunan Province and the national "Challenge Cup" College Student Entrepreneurship Plan Competition, has been released on the Shenghua website of Central South University。The School of Computer Science actively responded to the school’s call,Show the style of teachers and students of the college,Calling on the teachers and students of the college to actively participate。In view of the work progress of existing scientific seabet sports betting and technological innovation teams,To further enhance the overall strength of the team,We sincerely extend an invitation to students in the school who are interested in seabet online sports betting seabet sports betting participating in this competition,Work together to create,Common progress。The supplementary matters for the selection of the School of Computer Science’s “Shenghua Cup” College Student Entrepreneurship Plan Competition (in-school) are now notified as follows:

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Students can combine their own professional interests according to the actual needs of the team,Make a resume and send it to the email address of the target team leader,See details“The 18th ‘Shenghua Cup’ College Student Entrepreneurship Plan Competition of Central South University [School of Computer Science] Project Information Summary Table”

二、Screening interview (2024year1month5Sunday2024year1month10日)

Each science and technology innovation team will conduct a preliminary screening based on resume submissions,Resumes that pass the preliminary screening will be interviewed and selected by each scientific seabet sports betting and technological innovation seabet app download team,Students who meet the requirements can join the team,After identifying team members,will complete the subsequent competition together。

The 18th "Shenghua Cup" College Student Entrepreneurship Plan Competition of Central South University [School of Computer Science] Project Information Summary Table

Serial number

Project name


Responsible person

Contact information

Team Email

Capacity requirements


Musi Huixue—a personalized learning platform for teenagers based on generative artificial intelligence

A.Technological innovation and future industries

Liu Tianjie



1.Have a certain cognitive foundation of large models,Willing to participate in algorithm learning


Dual-target drug design based on deep learning

Li Chaofan



1. Have certain qualificationsPythonProgramming basics;
Have strong interest in deep learning algorithms;
Able to read English scientific papers independently;
Have a careful attitude and strong learning ability


Online computing acceleration system for large model training

Zhou Shengwen



1.Able to write a business plan 2.Have project thinking ability


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Kou Changpeng



1.front-end and back-end programming capabilities 2.Data analysis ability 3.Document writing ability 4.Ability to write business plans


“Zhongnan Xiaoya” humanoid doctor assistant robot

Bian Jiaming



1.Hard work spirit and strong practical ability;
Strong programming skills and good teamwork spirit
Production and presentation skills;


Tea moisture detection technology based on artificial intelligence

B.Rural revitalization and agricultural and rural modernization

Jiang Yuchen



1.Front-end and post-programming capabilities 2.Data set production capability 3.Art, drawing ability 4.PPTProduction   5.Ability to write business plans


Traffic light distributed collaborative control and visualization system

C.Urban governance and social services

Jin Zuoxuan



Programming ability; defense ability;PPTAbility


Internet content risk control platform - creating a new situation in ideology

Li Junle

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1.front-end and back-end programming 2.Speech+Reply seabet app download (good image and temperament,Fluent in standard Mandarin,Strong adaptability) 3.Artist+PPTProduction (with certain aesthetics and able to design independentlyPPTStructural typesetting)


Audio and video digital stand-in technology-Promoting short drama culture to go global

E.Cultural creativity and regional cooperation

Zhu Xiangyu



1.Programming ability 2.Defense ability 3.PPTProduction

Note: If there are other science and innovation teams in the college who sign up,Please summarize the above information and send it to923285788@qq.com

College Organizing Committee creates competition contactQQGroup:644279017

Contact: Teacher Chen

Contact number:0731-88879499

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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