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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: September 23, 2023 21:16

The 7th Central South University Hunan Internet of Things Competition on-campus selection was held2023YearSeptember 22The sunset ends,After strict review by experts,Recommend the following5 teams participated in the Hunan Province Internet of Things Competition:


Participating team members: Ye Wen Li Chaofan Cai Yishuo

Entries: "Voice Tracking Intelligence Detective" voiceprint recognition system


Participating team members:Wang Weizhen  Make a wish  Zheng Yicheng

Entry: Bu Qingyun——Gait signal-based neurodegenerative disease monitoring platform


Participating team members:Li Zihan  Zhang Shiqi Chen Boyu

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Participating team members:Jiang Zhongyao Chen Hang Mei Jun

Entries:CleverHand—intelligent gesture conference control system


Participating team members:Tao Minglong  Qin Jiayao  Zhang Jiajing

Entry: Smart car environment control system

If you have any objections, please report it. Office location: New Campus Information Building119;Contact number:13574158719;Contact: Liu Weirong.

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2023YearSeptember 23

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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