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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: September 13, 2023 16:28

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In order to stimulate the enthusiasm of students in our school to actively participate in the Internet of Things competition,Cultivation of college students’ sense of innovation and courage to explore、Be brave in innovation、Teamwork spirit,Improving the application, design and development level of IoT in universities,Improve college students’ application and practical abilities in fields related to Internet of Things technology,At the same time, select outstanding entries for the Hunan Provincial University Internet of Biology Competition,The school decided to hold the 6th University Internet of Biotechnology Creative Competition of Central South University,The relevant matters are now notified as follows:

1. Organizational structure

1. Sponsor: Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education

2. Organizer: School of Computer Science

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1. Participant objects and competition content


All full-time undergraduate students in our school can register to participate。The competition is based on teams,Each team (including captain) shall not exceed3 students, you can invite 1 instructor-2people。Team formation can span grades、Across colleges、Cross-professional,But players are not allowed to join multiple teams at the same time。The captain is responsible for team formation、Registration、Preparation before the game、Training、As well as contacting the school competition contact person and other matters。The instructor must be an in-service teacher at Central South University,Originality of the content of the team you coached、Responsible for safety, etc.。

2) Competition content

This competition mainly focuses on testing the innovative ability of participating students,The content can be creative ideas for the field of Internet of Things,It can also be an actual work with engineering seabet online sports betting practicality,To comprehensively test and promote students’ IoT knowledge system and practical abilities。Specifically including the creativity of various software and hardware works related to Internet of Things engineering、Design、Implementation, etc.,Can be a device for Internet of Things application scenarios、System、Software, etc.,It can also be information technology works or software and hardware application works that are not limited to the above content。

2. Participation requirements

1) Entries must reflect a certain degree of innovation and practicality.

2) The team’s entries should be original works independently designed by the team members,Plagiarism is strictly prohibited、Plagiarism。

3) The participating teams must submit the corresponding PPT before the specified submission date、Introduction video、Work report or test report and program code。Competition awards are based on the innovation of the work、Feasibility and the clarity of the report text are the main criteria。

3. Competition arrangements

Game share3 stages: team registrationàWork submissionàExpert SelectionàHunan Province competition.

1) Team registration

Students register in teams on a voluntary basis. exist2023YearSeptember 1417:00Send toweirong_liu@126.com. Email title: "The seventh sessionInternet of Things Competition Campus Competition-entry question-Captain’s name-Registration Form”, Attachment1,2 Please add the captain’s name at the beginning of the file name。Unregistered teams cannot participate in the competition。

After the participating teams register, they prepare competition works according to the customized topics,Yu2023YearSeptember 15Submit the PPT of the work before 17:00Introduction video、Design Report、The test report and program code are compressed into a compressed package,The compressed package file name and email title are the same:"The 7th Internet of Things Competition School Competition - Entry Questions - Team Leader's Name - Entries" is sent to the above designated email address,Review and selection by review experts。The outstanding teams seabet app download in the finals will represent Central South University in 2023The 7th Hunan Province Internet of Things Competition.

Contest contact person: Liu Weirong 13574158719

4. Rewards

There is a first prize in this competition、Second Prize、Several third prizes and winning prizes,Determined based on the number of applicants。

Attachment 1: 2023Registration form for the 7th Central South University University Internet of Things Application Innovation Design Competition and Hunan Province Internet of Things Competition Selection Competition.docx

Attachment2:2023Registration summary form for the 7th Central South University University Internet of Things Application Innovation Design Competition and Hunan Province Internet of Things Competition Selection Competition.xlsx

Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education

2023YearSeptember 13

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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