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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: September 11, 2023 11:40

After my application,Recommended by the Youth League branch,College Youth League Committee Review,Approved by the College Party Committee,Final recommendationWan JialeWang Dan2 people are members of the graduate student teaching team in 2023,Hereby announce:

Wan JialeFemale,Han,Preparatory member of the Communist Party of seabet casino review China,Vice Chairman of the Student Union of the School of Computer Science, professional ranking22/69, received a degree from Central South UniversitySecond Class Scholarship, Central South UniversityThird-class scholarship, outstanding league member of Central South University,Outstanding students of Central South University,Outstanding Student Cadres seabet app download of Central South University、Outstanding Student Union Cadres of Central South UniversityOutstanding Young Volunteers seabet app download of Central South University、Second Prize in the 8th Central South University Undergraduate Information Security Works Competition

Wang Dan, female, Han nationality,Communist Youth League member, School of Computer ScienceVice president of grade meeting, software engineering2004 Youth League Branch Secretary, professional ranking57/199,Won the National Inspirational Scholarship、中南大学Second Class Scholarship, Central South University优秀团Dry2 timesOutstanding students of Central South University,seabet app download Provincial third prize in China College Student Computer Design Competition、The eighth sessionSecond Prize in the Higher Education Main Track of the “Internet+” College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

If you have objections to the above persons,Please contact the Youth League Committee of the college in time,Contact ChenTeacher, contact number0731-88877769

Committee of School of Computer Science, Central South University, Communist Youth League


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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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