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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: May 06, 2023 15:39

Each league branch:

According to the regulations of the "Regulations on the Management of the "Youth Big Study" Online Theme Group Course of the School of Computer Science, Central South University (Trial)",The Youth League Committee of the college reported on the learning status of the "Online Themed seabet casino review Youth League Course" of the Youth League Branch in April 2023。

Excellent learning rate for 22-level undergraduates and 21-level undergraduates,Both above 95%。

Most of the 22-level master’s and 20-level undergraduate youth league branches have excellent learning rates,There are a few league branches whose learning rate has not reached above 90%,The learning rate of some Youth League branches did not reach 60%。

The learning rate of 21-level master’s degree has increased compared with last time,The learning rate of some Youth League seabet mobile branches is low,Less than 60%。

The learning rate of level 20 masters and level 19 undergraduates needs to be improved。Except Software Engineering 1901,Software Engineering 1903,Communication Engineering 1901,Communication Engineering 1902 and Master Software 2001 Youth League Branch,The learning rates of other league branches are below 60%。

I hope that all Youth League branches will continue to strengthen theoretical study,Work hard to make progress,Encourage branch members to strive to be good students with both seabet casino review good character and academic performance。

Attachment.Learning rate in April 2023 of the "Online Theme Group Class" branch of the Youth University of the School of Computer Science, Central South University

Committee of School of Computer Science, Central South University, Communist Youth League

May 6, 2023

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