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seabet sports betting Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: April 07, 2023 14:29

1. List of shortlisted candidates

Shen Shuangyi, Tao Lei, Yang Haoming

2. Assessment method, time and place

seabet app download , Written test arrangement

1) Time:2023year4month109:30-11:30

2) Location: New Campus Information Building405

3) Examination method: computer operation;

4) Written test content: mainly tests the candidates’ computer operation ability、Programming ability、Manual ability。Full score100Points.

2, Interview arrangement

1) Time:2023year4month1015:00

2) Location: The third floor of the computer building of the school headquarters308Conference Room

3) Interview order: The specific interview order for each type of personnel is determined by drawing lots。

4) Interview method: The examiner will ask questions and the applicant will answer the questions.

Before the interview,Applicants need to provide recent ideological and political performance materials;Investigating the ideological and political status of candidates during the interview。

5)Interview content: Mainly examine the ideological and political qualities of candidates、Business seabet app download quality、Language expression ability、Resilience、Analytical problem-solving abilities, etc.。

3, Recruitment Principles

1.Total score calculation and sorting. Final score=Written test results×50%+Interview results×50%,The total score is rounded to two decimal places,Sort from high score to low score (those with the same overall score,Those with higher written test scores will be given priority)。

2.The final score passing line is60Points.

3.Determine proposed candidates according to positions,Those whose final scores are lower than the passing line will not be hired。

4.Ideological and political investigation。Combined with the ideological and political performance materials provided by the candidates and the interview situation,Issue written results of ideological and political examination,Those who fail the ideological and political examination will not be hired。

5.List of proposed personnel confirmed。Based on the total final score、Ideological and political investigation and mental health test conclusion,The working group will determine the candidates to be recruited。

3. Assessment process and requirements

1.Related requirements seabet sports betting for written test (computer-based test)

1)      In advance15minutes to enter the examination room,Draw lots to determine the test number。Please take your seat according to your exam number,Late30Minutes and above will be deemed as automatically giving up the written test qualification;

2)      Put your ID card on the desktop before the exam,For inspection by the invigilator;

3)      It is prohibited to use communication tools after entering the examination room、Communication software、Mobile hard drive, etc.;

4)      You can bring and consult relevant books and materials during the examination;

5)      You can access information online during the exam (accessing information (including accessing the Internet and using books, etc.) will affect the score of the corresponding question);

6)      The scoring method and other regulations shall be implemented in accordance with the requirements on the test paper.

2.Interview related requirements

1)      Applicants should apply in advance15Arrive at the examination room to register in 26213_26230 minutes, after the specified registration time30Those who have not arrived within minutes,Considered to automatically give up the interview qualification,seabet online sports betting No longer allowed to enter the interview room。Applicants must submit their ID cards when reporting for the interview,The staff will draw lots after checking the admission ticket and ID card;

2)      According to the order of lottery numbers under the arrangement of the staff,The staff will guide you to the interview room to wait for the interview。It is strictly prohibited to exchange or change the order of drawing lots,Violators will be given a zero score in the interview;

3)      Candidates enter the interview room with the permission of the examiner,Give the lottery number to the examiner,And report your lottery number to all examiners,But you are not allowed to reveal your name and admission ticket number,Violators will be given a zero score in the interview;

4)      The timekeeper will report the interview time to the examiner,Terminate candidate interviews immediately,And announced the end of the interview for candidates;

5)      The candidate exits the interview room after the interview,No return to the waiting room,No contact with candidates who have not been interviewed。

三、Things to note when assessing candidates

1)      Turn off mobile phones and other communication tools and hand them over to the staff for safekeeping or place them in designated locations as arranged by the staff,Otherwise it will be treated as a disciplinary violation。If there are special circumstances, you must report them to the examination room staff in time。

2)      While waiting for examination,Be patient and wait,You are not allowed to leave the examination waiting room at will,If you need to leave the waiting room due to special circumstances,Must report to the waiting room staff for approval and be supervised by the staff throughout the process。

3)      Keep the lottery number properly,Do not disclose your name and other information to the staff and examiners during the entire interview and assessment process。

4)      You must answer in Mandarin during the interview.

四、Interview Disciplinary Requirements

1)      To ensure the openness of the interview and assessment work、Fair and just,Audio and video recording of the entire interview process。

2)      In the interview and assessment process,Personnel who do not operate according to regulations and practice seabet mobile favoritism,Once verified, relevant party disciplines will be followed、Political and Discipline Regulations,Treat it seriously。


School of Computer Science, Central South University



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