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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: September 19, 2022 22:19

seabet betting platform Noon on September 13, 2022,Two freshmen riding electric bicycles collided and were injured at the intersection south of the Foreign Languages ​​Building on the new campus of seabet betting Central South University。Student Liu Xiaojuan, head of undergraduate freshman class 2210 in the collegeWhen an abnormality is discovered on the way to class and the police are called,Call your counselor immediately,While waiting for rescue,Check the girl’s injuries and comfort her,Assist in contacting injured student counselor、Maintain order on site、Assist in taking the injured students to the ambulance,Hurry back to class。

The college party committee decided to treat student Liu XiaojuanActiveCare for classmates and take the initiative to help classmates, Regardless of personal gains and seabet online sports betting losses, help those in need’s behaviorFriendly spiritPublished a notice of praise and called on all her classmates to learn from her.

Committee of School of Computer Science, seabet betting Central South University

                       September 15, 2022

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of seabet betting Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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