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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: September 19, 2022 22:08

Noon on September 13, 2022,Two students riding an electric bicycle collided and were injured at the intersection south of the Foreign Languages seabet io ​​Building on the New Campus of Central South University。After the accident,A 2022 student cadre of our college who happened to pass by promptly called the counselor and reported the situation,Counselor Chen Siyu、Three teachers, Liu Yifeng and Chi Xu, drove to the scene of the accident immediately。

After arriving at the scene,Although it has been confirmed that they are not students of this college,But three counselors seabet app download immediately confirmed the injury、Stabilize mood、Contact Injured Student Counselor、Maintain order on site,Send the injured student to the ambulance and follow the car to the emergency room of Xiangya Affiliated Three,Complete the handover with the responsible teacher of the relevant college after the processing is completed。

Decision of the College Party Committee,To Chen Siyu、Three counselors and teachers, Liu Yifeng and Chi XuActiveCare for classmates and take the initiative to help classmates, Regardless of personal gains and losses, help those in need’s behaviorFriendly spiritProvide a report of praise and call on the whole hospitalTeachers and studentsxiangThemLearn.

Committee of School of Computer Science, Central South University

                       September 15, 2022

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