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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: September 17, 2022 17:59

Liang JingyaoMale,Student ID8209190425Software Engineering, School of Computer ScienceProfessional1904Undergraduate class

seabet crypto casino Liang Jingyao posted without permission2022Year9month8ToWent to Nanjing privately for internship on September 12th,And use software to punch in to hide the itinerary。

Liang Jingyao has an indifferent sense of discipline,Leaving school without authorization violates the disciplines and requirements of COVID-19 prevention and control,Violated"Central South University Student Disciplinary Regulations" (President's Order1No. 4)No.FifteenArticleeightRelevant ProvisionsConcealing the itinerary by using the software to check in is against the concept of integrity.

Education through criticism,Liang Jingyao realizes his mistake,Sincere attitude of repentance,And no serious consequences。In order to educate myself and strictly enforce school discipline, students of the School of EconomicsLeadership Working GroupResearch, decide to giveThe hospital announced criticism and seabet Online real money casino was disqualified from being awarded the prize for that year.

Hope all students will take this as a warning,Abide by laws and regulations,Strictly abide by school rules and disciplines,Notice hereby。

School of Computer Science, Central South University


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