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Notice Announcement


Source: Click: Time: September 05, 2022 20:06

Apply by myself,Recommended by the Youth League branch,College Youth League Committee Review,Approved by the College Party Committee,Final recommendationYe WeiLi Wenyun2 people as 2023Member of the Graduate Student Support Team, hereby announced:

Ye WeiMale, Han nationality, probationary member of the Communist Party of China, student union of the School of Computer ScienceDeputyChairman, professional ranking13/67, won the National Inspirational Scholarship, Central South University三Scholarship, Outstanding League Member of Central South University2 times、Outstanding Student Cadres of Central South University、Outstanding seabet online sports betting Student Union Cadres of Central South University。

Li Wenyun, female, Han nationality,Preparatory member of the Communist Party of China, School of Computer ScienceAssistant Director of the Student Affairs Office of Railway Campus, professional ranking9/44, won the National Inspirational Scholarship, Central South UniversityScholarship, Outstanding League Member of Central South University、Advanced individual in work-study program at Central South University、Annual Outstanding Team Leader of Central South seabet sports betting University Green Technology Society

If you have objections to the above persons,Please contact the Youth League Committee of the college in time,ContactChen Siyu, contact number18207488453.

Committee of seabet School of Computer Science, Central South University, Communist Youth League


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